Orange County NC Website
RECOMMENDATIONS <br />The following recommendations emerged by consensus from the Task Force discussions. <br />They are presented in order of priority within the Partnership's three program areas: <br />Early Childhood Care and Education, Child Health and Mental Health, and Family <br />Support. <br />EARL Y CHILDHOOD CARE AND ED UCA TION <br />➢ Create a Spanish speaking liaison position to help parents and children make the <br />transition to child care settings. This liaison should work with children, parents and <br />child care providers to eliminate language or cultural barriers to children's adjustment <br />to attending formal child care. <br />➢ Provide expanded transportation to Head Start. Group transportation should be <br />available to enable more families to benefit from Head Start classes. <br />➢ Expand Head Start eligibility and spaces to serve more children. Head Start <br />classes provide a supportive and stimulating environment that helps prepare children <br />for school. <br />➢ Provide cultural sensitivity training for child care providers. Child care workers <br />can contribute to better quality care by learning ways to support the cultural diversity <br />of children in their care. <br />CHILD HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH <br />➢ Broaden Health Choice coverage to non -U.S. born children. Many Latino <br />children ages 0 — 5 would receive better health care if they qualified for this new <br />health insurance program for low - income families. <br />➢ Develop a network of therapists to help children cope with the trauma of coming <br />to the U.S. Young children may need special support to adapt to the cultural, social <br />and emotional challenges that often accompany moving to a new country, particularly <br />if the move involved separation from family members. <br />➢ Provide bilingual - health services in northern Orange County. Families who live <br />in the rural areas of the county need access to health care that is family friendly and <br />culturally sensitive. <br />19 <br />