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Human Services Advisory Commission- Minutes of Regular Meeting, May 21, 2001 -Page 4 of 7 <br />5 Robin Barnhill suggested that we have one breakout group on homelessness, and another one for <br />affordable housing, and another one on another facet of the housing problem, etc. <br />Sharron suggested that since this topic is coming on the heels of the bond referendum, and since the <br />Board of County Commissioners is now holding meetings on the bond referendum, that she suggests that <br />10 what the HSAC could do is to be part of the educational component for the bond referendum. <br />Debbie asked if the material that comes from the HSAC Forum is educational for what needs to be on <br />the bond, would that have an impact on what would be put on the bond referendum? <br />15 Marvin Block spoke saying that there could be different problems with homelessness, such as different <br />needs according to age, according to sex, according to disabilities. <br />A MOTION WAS MADE BY Rebecca Young, AND SECONDED BY Rosetta Wash that the topic for <br />the forum be the whole continuum of housing with special emphasis on homelessness. VOTE: <br />20 UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. <br />Discussion ensued. Marvin Block asked the group to consider the title for the forum. He was not in <br />favor of the title "Affordable Housing." He said he did not think that was an adequate title. <br />25 Sharron Hinton pointed out that there are currently three groups at the present time who have or who will <br />have each produced a report on the subject of housing: <br />• The Commissioners' Affordable Housing Task Force <br />• The Capital Needs Advisory Task Force (working on the bond referendum) <br />30 • The Orange County Continuum of Care Committee (working on housing needs) <br />35 <br />Mel asked the Commission, "What do we want to accomplish with this forum ?" <br />Rosetta said that the title should be something that would encompass the housing needs in the County. <br />Mel said that what he has heard the members saying is that we would like the Forum to provide <br />education about the magnitude of these issues and to seek input on how to address them. <br />Debbie pointed out that every group she has talked to seems to already know what we don't have. <br />40 Therefore, she would like the Forum to accomplish a stimulation of development. <br />45 <br />5 <br />Rosetta concurred with this by saying that she would personally like to see all the pieces of the <br />homelessness and housing topics that all the various groups are talking about to come together. She <br />would like a plan of action to now be developed to deal with issue. <br />Marvin said that maybe there are some health agencies that need to be aware of what homeless people <br />need, and, since the IFC has been carrying a huge burden and cannot absorb any more, other health <br />agencies to become more involved with housing the homeless. Rosetta said Mr. Block's statement was <br />accurate. <br />Mel said that we need to narrow this topic down so that this is manageable because that people tend to <br />give up if it becomes too large. <br />