Orange County NC Website
2. Exempt from Creates a "compromise" Creates need for ongoing certification <br />separation requirements those atmosphere b/w the regulators and re-inspections of remote facilities, Cre <br />generators and haulers who can those regulated. Encourages contradiction between those who mus~ <br />"prove" they are using a alternatives and innovation to recycle a prescribed set of materials it <br />recycling separation facility meet the recycling/waste Orange Ca. and those who say they ar <br />somewhere else. diversion standard going to recycle different materials <br />elsewhere but the same amount or mo <br />as Oran ere uires. <br />C. Coordination with other local governments in Orange ,Count and UNC <br />The majority of construction and therefore waste generation is taking place within the <br />corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdictions of the Towns in Orange County - <br />Carrboro, Chapel Hill or Hillsborough. If the Towns agree to pass the materials <br />sepazation ordinance, effective enforcement of the ordinance will require cooperation of <br />the Building Inspection Departments and Plannixig Departments of each jurisdiction. <br />Those departments will rieed to inform the County Solid Waste Management Department <br />when developers aze applying for zoning compliance permits, special use permits, <br />demolition permits or building permits that could trigger the requirements for <br />development of a solid waste management plan or solid waste management permit. They <br />may even distribute the appropriate forms for completing the solid waste plan <br />requirements. The involvement of these Departments should be made explicit as the <br />County discusses with the Towns adoption of the ordinance requiring sepazation of <br />regulated recyclable materials. <br />Building Inspections Departments in each jurisdiction may also be asked to assist the <br />Solid Waste Management Department in determining if there is proper separation of <br />materials on sites they aze inspecting for compliance with building codes. Building <br />Inspections Departments may also be requested to delay issuance of permits when an <br />approved construction and demolition materials management plan and/or permit has not <br />been filed. <br />The BOCC may wish to determine the sequence of implementation of the ordinance. <br />There aze at least three options. The second one is assumed in the timeline proposed at <br />the end of this report. <br />1. BOCC passes the ordinance and applies it first to construction and demolition activity <br />in the unincorporated areas of the County, using that period to fine-tune ordinance <br />and operations before asking.municipalities (and UNC?) to adopt it. <br />2. Pass the ordinance and apply it first to unincorporated areas but immediately after <br />passage take it to the municipalities (and UNC?) for their approval. <br />3. Finalize the ordinance and bring it to the municipalities (and CJNC?) for their <br />concurrent approval with the County approval. prior to implementation and <br />enforcement. <br />