Orange County NC Website
s <br />Memorandum <br />To: John Link, County Manager <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director <br />Subject: Construction and Demolition Waste Management Implementation Plan <br />Date: October 17, 2000 <br />This memorandum describes some of the tasks involved in implementing the ordinance <br />and the program, contains a draft version of the ordinance, proposes a timeline for <br />implementation of a construction and demolition waste management effort in Orange <br />County, and delineates some of the key unresolved issues for implementation of the <br />construction and demolition waste recycling ordinance. The revised draft version of the <br />ordinance with cover memorandum from the County Attorney is contained as attachment <br />#1. It was originally submitted to the Board of Orange County Commissioners (BOCC) <br />on September S, 2000. <br />Staff requests that the BOCC review the issues raised in the memorandum, the proposed <br />timetable for the program and the ordinance and provide guidance for implementation. <br />Background <br />The unlined construction and demolition (C&D) waste landfilling azea of the Orange <br />County landfill on the north side of Eubanks Road is estimated to be full in eazly 2002. <br />No replacement facility or management plan has been developed. The C&D azea of the <br />landfill has been operating since 1994 accepting only the separated C&D and other dry <br />materials such as broken furniture, mattresses, etc. <br />An average of about 31,000 tons of material aze landfilled there annually including an <br />estimated 16% clean, unpainted, untreated wood, 2% pallets, 2.S% scrap metal, 10% <br />drywall, and 20% inert debris and stumps. <br />In autumn 1999, the Board of Orange County Commissioners designated the <br />development of a Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Task Force to :assist the <br />County in development of policies, plans and programs for reduction of waste from <br />construction and demolition activities in Orange County. The Task Force included <br />membership from across Orange County including two residential builders, citizens, <br />elected officials, Habitat for Humanity staff and leadership, iJNC and members of the <br />future Solid Waste Advisory Board. Commissioner Barry Jacobs chaired the Task Force. <br />The Guiding Principles for the Task Force aze contained as attachment #2. to this <br />memorandum. <br />The Task Force issued its final report to the BOCC August 1S, 2000. There were eleven <br />recommendations contained as attachment #3 to this memorandum. The first three were: <br />mandate recycling or reuse of C&D materials through an ordinance, adopt policies and <br />programs to implement the ordinance, and develop a location at which to conduct C&D <br />waste management activities. <br />