Agenda - 11-01-2000-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-01-2000
Agenda - 11-01-2000-10a
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9/2/2008 1:41:32 AM
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8/29/2008 10:16:33 AM
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Minutes - 11-01-2000
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
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D~2AFY <br />20 <br />square feet as determined by the Inspection Department issuing the permit may also, where <br />determined necessary by the Department, be required to submit a RRMP plan at the zoning <br />compliance permitting stage. <br />3. The RRMP plan shall provide estimates of the amount and types of solid waste to be <br />generated by the project, the amount and types of regulated recyclable material to be <br />generated by the project, and the methods to be employed for disposal of the solid and <br />regulated recyclable material generated by the project. <br />4. An application for a RRMP permit requiring a RRMP plan shall be submitted on forms <br />provided by the Department. The RRMP plan shall be accompanied by a $25 processing fee. <br />5 . A RRMP permit not requiring a RRMP plan shall be issued by the Department upon receipt <br />by the Department of a completed and verified application. <br />d. The Department will review and, within ten'(10) days, make a decision on the RRMP plan. <br />The applicant will then be notified of the Department's decision within two (2) working days. <br />A. If the RRMP plan meets the requirerrlents of this ordinance, a RRMP permit will be <br />issued to the applicant. The RRMP permit is good for one year from the date of <br />issuance unless permission obtained from the Solid Waste Management Department <br />prior to expiration of the RRMP permit. The RRMP permit is nontransferable, ,and <br />applies only to the project for which the application was made. The use of a RRMP <br />permit, other than as allowed in the ordinance, will constitute a violation of this <br />ordinance. <br />B. If the RRMP plan does not meet the requirements of the ordinance, the Department <br />will notify the applicant in writing within two (2) working days of its decision. This <br />notification will state the reasons that the application was denied. If the Department <br />denies an applicant a permit, the applicant may request a hearing with the Director. <br />The Director shall keep summary minutes of the hearing and within one week after <br />the hearing shall give the applicant written notice of the decision either granting the <br />permit or affirming the denial of the permit. The notice shall provide reasons for <br />denial if the Director sustains the Department's denial. The Solid Waste <br />Management Department shall prescribe the permissible methods of disposal of <br />recyclable solid waste. <br />C. A permit shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance. <br />SECTION VI: ENFORCEMENT. The following penalties shall pertain to violations of this <br />ordinance: <br />1. Revocation of regulated recyclable material collection licensees. <br />A. When the Solid Waste Management Department finds that a licensee has violated. this <br />ordinance or the conditions of the license, the licensee shall receive written notice of <br />the violation and be informed that if another violation occurs within thirty (30) <br />working days, or in the case of a continuing violation if it is not corrected within ten <br />(10) working days, ,the license shall be revoked through written notice from the <br />Department. Upon receipt of the revocation, the licensee shall stop collecting, <br />transporting, or disposing of regulated recyclable material in Orange County. <br />B. The Solid Waste Management Department may reinstate a revoked license after the <br />revocation has been in effect for thirty (30) working days if the Solid Waste <br />20 <br />
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