Agenda - 11-01-2000-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-01-2000
Agenda - 11-01-2000-10a
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9/2/2008 1:41:32 AM
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8/29/2008 10:16:33 AM
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Minutes - 11-01-2000
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14 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />From: Harmony Whalen, Coleman Gledhill & Hargrave, P.C. <br />Subject: Ordinance Regulating Recyclable Waste Materials And Licensing The <br />Collection Of S61id Waste In Orange County <br />Date: September 27, 2,000 <br />On August 15, 2000 the Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Task Force <br />submitted its Final Report to the Boazd of Orange County Commissioners. As part of <br />this report the Task Force formulated eleven recommendations designed to provide a <br />framework for dealing with recyclable wastes within Orange County, both now and in the <br />future. Recommendation # 1 of the Final Report was that the County adopt a regulatory <br />ordinance requiring sepazation of at least metal, clean wood and drywall from <br />construction for recycling or reuse. in Orange County. It is in response to this <br />Recommendation that the following Ordinance was prepared. <br />In summary, the ordinance does the following: <br />^ Defines regulated recyclable material as recyclable construction and demolition <br />material (clean wood, metals, concrete and other inert debris, and unpainted drywall), <br />yard waste,, coma.gated cardboard, and non-reusable wood waste. Materials can be <br />added as facilities far their recycling become available. <br />^ Requires the recycling of all regulated recyclable material generated in Orange <br />County. This prevents materials generated in Orange County from becoming part of <br />the waste stream in neighboring counties. <br />^ It prohibits the disposal of regulated recyclable material through open burning. This <br />prohibition includes the burning of leaves, brush, and other debris on private property <br />by private individuals, because those materials aze covered under the definition of <br />"recyclable waste." <br />^ Prohibits contamination of regulated recyclable material to avoid the recycling <br />requirements. <br />^ It provides for the licensing and monitoring of collectors of regulated recyclable <br />material. Violations of the ordinance can result in the loss of the right to collect <br />recyclable waste. <br />^ Requires that anyone receiving a building permit and/or zoning compliance permit <br />obtain a regulated recyclable material management permit (RRMM permit) prior to <br />commencing any construction, demolition, land clearing or other preparatory activity. <br />The RRMP permit will put individuals on notice of the ordinance and its <br />requirements. <br />^ Persons receiving a building permit undertaking projects that have a total value of <br />greater than $50,000 must, in addition to obtaining a RRMP permit, obtain. a <br />regulated recyclable material management plan (RRMP plan) detailing how <br />recyclable waste will be generated, disposed of and recycled. Persons receiving a <br />zoning compliance permit and undertaking a project with a total value of greater than <br />1d <br />
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