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13 <br />Municipalities and ZINC adopt ordinance and allow Orange County to enforce. (As <br />with erosion and sediment control ordinance in municipalities). Seven month "grace" <br />period begins for separation of regulated recvclable materials at landfill and on regulated <br />construction and demolition sites in whichever jurisdictions have passed the ordinance. <br />Engineering.and detailed design completed. Bids prepared for any equipment and <br />facilities necessary. <br />Apri12001: Continue refining administrative policies, procedures and forms. Initiate <br />formal training and education on the ordinance for haulers and contractors <br />BOCC ~ adopt personnel ordinance amendment adding additional staff if required. <br />Present FY 2001-02 budget for recycling assuming full implementation of C&D <br />programs on September 1, 2001. <br />May 2001: Complete administrative policies and procedures, forms, etc. Inspect out-of- <br />county recycling facilities for certification (should County decide to allow this). Bid <br />facility construction, if permitting complete. Bid equipment .Continue education and <br />training. <br />June 2001: BOCC awazd construction bid and equipment bids. Continue training and <br />education. <br />July 2001: Implement licensing of haulers. Continue training and education. Finalize <br />coordination with municipalities and LTNC. <br />August 2001: Complete initial licensing of haulers and certification ofout-of-county <br />recycling facilities (if allowed). Complete facilities construction and install equipment. <br />September 2001: "Grace" period ends. Enforcement begins and facilities begin <br />operation, if construction complete. Licensing and permits required for building, <br />demolition and hauling. <br />March 2002: Assessment report to SWAB and BOCC of ordinance. <br />Conclusions <br />Staff recommends that the BOCC review the issues and questions raised in this <br />memorandum regazding how it wishes to handle the following: <br />• A. regulation of demolition wastes, <br />• B. use ofout-of-county recycling facilities, . <br />• C. coordination with other governments in Orange County and UNC, sequencing <br />of consideration of the ordinance with the municipalities, <br />• D. education of potentially regulated community, <br />• E. licensing of haulers, <br />• F. development of facility and staffing needs, <br />• G. enforcement of ordinance on MSW waste stream <br />and <br />• H. the suggested timetable for implementation. <br />13 <br />