Orange County NC Website
Proposed Timetable for C&D Materials Management Implementation <br />12 <br />Development and implementation of the ordinance, programs and policies to manage <br />regulated, recyclable materials is a complex, multifaceted task. Below staff proposes a <br />timeline which we believe will address most, of the issues we have raised above and give <br />the County, the municipalities and the development community ample time and training <br />to effectively implement an ordinance that will achieve the goal of diverting recyclable <br />C&D materials generated in Orange County from landfilling. <br />October 12, 2000 Discussion of Ordinance by Solid Waste Advisory Board <br />October 17, 2000: BOCC reviews draft ordinance, resolves outstanding issues <br />highlighted in this memo related to the ordinance. Facilities location, staffing, equipment <br />and costs to be discussed in future report. <br />October 23, 2000 Revised ordinance submitted to municipalities, developers, <br />haulers, UNC, etc. for review and comment. Staff available to discuss <br />November 21, 2000 BOCC meeting, Public Hearing. Additional discussion by BOCC, <br />could adopt at this meeting. <br />December 4, 2000: BOCC meeting, Adopt ordinance if not already adopted. Conduct <br />second reading if necessary. Report on staffing, facilities, equipment and costs presented. <br />Confirm location and type of facilities and operations to be conducted. Location and type <br />of facilities and operations will determine need for any additional permitting required by <br />County. <br />January 18, 2,001: BOCC conducts second reading of ordinance if necessary and adopts <br />(if not already adopted). Further discussion ofbudget, siting, staffing facilities and <br />equipment of Dec. 4 implications of staff proposal Authorize new position of C&D <br />(recycling) education specialist. <br />February b, 2001: Finalize C&D education and enforcement position duties and adopt <br />personnel ordinance amendment to add position and budget amendment to fund position. <br />Receive authorization to initiate necessary Town or County permitting fox facilities. <br />Receive authorization to prepare, detailed specifications and design of facilities and <br />equipment. <br />February 2001: Recruit new education and enforcement position. Planning, <br />engineering and detailed design begin for facilities. Prepare administrative policies, <br />procedures and forms for ordinance. Approve and send letter from BOCC to <br />municipalities and LTNC urging adoption of ordinance. As necessary and requested, <br />present and discuss ordinance with municipalities, UNC and request adoption. <br />March 2001: First BOCC meeting: Adopt C&D recycling operations plan and budget. <br />Amend budget to fund construction, equipment, design, advertising, education <br />specialist's vehicle, permitting. <br />12 <br />