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11 <br />Those programs designate metal food and beverage cans as the only types of metal for <br />recycling. Likewise clean wood waste that might show up in small amounts in the MSW <br />waste has no convenient alternative outlet. <br />The only place to dispose of residentially generated scrap metal or clean wood from <br />residential waste is the six solid waste convenience centers or the landfill. The landfill is <br />the only outlet for small amounts ofnon-residentially generated scrap metal or wood <br />waste under the current system. Non-residential waste generators are prohibited from <br />using the convenience centers. Thus either the regulation must be limited at this time to <br />only C&D wastes, a broader recycling collection system must be created for wood and <br />scrap metal frorti the MSW waste stream or non-residential waste generators must be <br />allowed to deposit related recyclable materials (such as metal and clean wood) at the <br />convenience centers. <br />There aze at least three options for managing regulated reeyclable materials, in the MSW <br />waste stream. <br />Table 5 <br />Options for Managing Regulated Recyclable Materials in MSW Waste Stream <br />Option Advantages Disadvantages <br />1. Regulate the regulated Equal enforcement and equal Large and difficult enforcement and <br />Re clable materials found in responsibility, probably most education burden (especially `upstream' <br />MSW the same as in C&D. lawful strategy. of landfill), not now anticipated in <br /> planning program. Limited outlets for <br /> re lated re clable materials from <br /> residential and commercial sectors <br />2.Ignore r~dated re .clable Much simpler implementation Potentially discriminatory, may not be <br />materials in MSW waste and enforcement program if fully lawful unless we regulate only the <br />stream dealing with only the large C&D azea and only those hauling <br /> amounts of concentrated primarily what we define as regulated <br /> materials in C&D. recyclable materials <br /> Questionable even then. Cardboard <br /> becomes a "special case" because it is <br /> already successfully regulated in both <br /> C&D and MSW waste streams. <br />3. Phase in regulation of Addresses the problem with May still be seen as discriminatory. <br />materials in MSW waste along-term strategy Still very difficult to enforce on <br /> enerators and haulers. <br />3a. Exempt residential Pazallels exemption on Perception of "unfair" treatment of <br />waste from regulation landfilling residential one sector of the economy. Provides <br /> corrugated cardboard. potential to shift regulatedreevclable <br /> Limits enforcement and materials to residential waste <br /> education burden disposal. <br /> significantly with limited <br /> reduction in diversion and <br /> rec clin efforts. <br />11 <br />