Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Orange County 5-Year Plan (or Fiscal Years: 2005 - 2010 Annual Plan for f•Y 2005 <br />HA Code: NC104 <br />Streamlined Five-Year PHA Plan <br />PHA FISCAL YEARS 2005 - 2010 <br />[2A CFR Part 903.12] <br />A. Mission <br />State the PHA's mission for serving the needs oflow-income, very low income, and extremely low-income families <br />in [he PHA's,jurisdiction. (select one of the choices below) <br />® The mission of the PHA is the same as that of the Depaztment of Housing and Urban <br />Development: To promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a <br />suitable living environment free from discrimination.. <br />^ The PHA's mission is: (state mission here) <br />B. Goals <br />The goals and objectives listed below are derived from HUD's strategic Goals and Objectives and those emphasized <br />in recent legislation. PHAS may select any of these goals and objectives as their own, or identify other goals and/or <br />objectives. Whether selecting the HUD-suggested objectives or their own, PHAS ARE STRONGLY <br />ENCOURAGED TO IDENTIFY QUANTIFIABLE MEASURES OF SUCCESS IN REACHING THEIR <br />OBJECTIVES OVER THE COURSE OF THE 5 YEARS. (Quantifiable measures would include targets such as: <br />numbers of families served or PHAS scores achieved.) PHAS should identify these measures in the spaces to the <br />right of or below the stated objectives. <br />HUD Strategic Goal: Increase the availability of decent, safe, and affordable housing. <br />® PHA Goal: Expand the supply of assisted housing <br />Objectives: <br />® Apply for additional rental vouchers: <br />^ Reduce public housing vacancies: <br />^ Leverage private or other public funds to create additional housing opportunities: <br />^ Acquire or build units or developments <br />® Other (list below) <br />Encourage local landlord participation in the Section 8 Program <br />® PHA Goal: Improve the quality of assisted housing <br />Objectives: <br />^ Improve public housing management: (PHAS score) <br />® Improve voucher management: (SEMAP score) 85 <br />® Increase customer satisfaction: <br />^ Concentrate on efforts to improve specific management functions: <br />(list; e.g., public housing finance; voucher unit inspections) <br />^ Renovate or modernize public housing units: <br />^ Demolish or dispose of obsolete public housing: <br />^ Provide replacement public housing: <br />^ Provide replacement vouchers: <br />® Other: (list below) <br />Continuously review and modify Housing Oualit}~ Standm'ds to ensure an <br />inventory of quality rental housing in the program <br />Page 3 of 38 form HUD-50075SF (D4/30/2003) <br />