Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Omnge County 5-Year Plan for Piscal Years: 2005 - 2010 Annual Ptan for FY 2005 ~~ <br />HA Code: NCI04 <br />11. List of Supporting Documents Available for Review for Streamlined <br />Five-Year/ Annual PHA Plans <br />PHAS ate to indicate which documents are available for public review by placing a mark in the "Applicable & On <br />Display" column in the appropriate rows All listed documents must be on display if applicable to the program <br />activities conducted by the PHA. <br />Lis[ of Su ortin Documents Available for Review <br />Applicable Supporting Document Related Plan Component <br /> <br />On Dis lay <br />X PHA Certifrcaiions ojConrpliance with the PHA P/ans mrd Re(a/ed Regrda/ions Standard 5 Year and <br /> and Board Resolmion m Accorupany the Standard ~Luroa/, SYmtdarei Five-Year, Annual Plans; streamlined <br /> and S(ream/fined Five-Year/Annual P/ans. 5 Year Plans <br />X State/Local Government Certification of Consistent with the Consolidated Plan. 5 Year Plans <br />X Fair Housing Documentation Supporting Fair Housing Certifications: Records 5 Year and Annual Plans <br /> reflecting that the PHA has examined its programs or proposed programs, identified <br /> any impediments to fair housing choice in [hose programs, addressed or is <br /> addressing those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources <br /> available, and worked or is working with local jurisdictions to implement any of the <br /> jurisdictions' initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require the PFIA's <br /> involvement. <br />X Housing Needs Statement of the Consolidated Plan for the jurisdiction(s) in which Annual Plan: <br /> the PHA is located and any additional backup data to support statement of housing Housing Needs <br /> needs for families on the PHA's public housing and Section 8 tenant-based waiting <br /> lists. <br /> Most recent board-approved operating budget for the public housing program Annual Plan: <br /> Financial Resources <br /> Public Housing Admissions and (Continued) Occupancy Policy (A&O/ACOP), Annual Plan: Eligibility, <br /> which includes the Tenant Selection and Assignment Plan [TSAP] and the Site- Selection, and Admissions <br /> Based Waitin List Procedure. Policies <br /> Any policy goveming occupancy of Police Officers and Over-Income Tenants in Annual Plan: Eligibility, <br /> Public Housing. ^ Check here if included in the public housing A&O Policy Selection, and Admissions <br /> Policies <br />X Section 8 Adminishativc Plan Annual Plan: Eligibility, <br /> Selection, and Admissions <br /> Policies <br /> Public housing rent determination policies, including [he method for setting public Annual Plan: Rent <br /> housin flat rents. ~ Check here if included in the ublic housin A & 0 Polic . Determination <br /> Schedule of Flat rents offered at each public housing development Annual Plan: Rent <br /> ^ Check here if~included in the ublic housin A & O Polic . Determination <br /> Section 8 rent determination (payment standard) policies (if included in plan, not Annual Plan: Rent <br /> necessary as a supporting document) and written analysis of Section 8 payment Determination <br /> standard policies <br /> ® Check here if included in Section 8 Administrative Plan. <br /> Public housing management and maintenance policy documents, including politics Annual Plan: Operations <br /> for [he prevention or eradication of pest infestation (including cockroach and Maintenance <br /> infestation). <br /> Results of latest Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Assessment (or other Annual Plan: Management <br /> a licable assessment). and O erations <br /> Follow-up Plan to Results of dte PHAS Resident Satisfaction Survey (if necessary) Annual Plan: Operations <br /> and Maintenance and <br /> Community Service & <br /> Self-Sufficient <br />X Results of latest Section 8 Management Assessment System (SEMAP) Annual Plan: Management <br /> and O erations <br />X Any policies goveming any Section 8 special housing types Annual Plan: Operations <br /> ® check here if included in Section 8 Administrative Plan and Maintenance <br />Page 31 of 38 form HUD-50075-SF (04/30/2003) <br />