Orange County NC Website
PI1A Name: Orange County 5-Year Ptan for Piscal Years: 2005 - 2010 Annual Ptan 1'or FY 2005 ~~ <br />FIA Code: NC104 <br />(4) (Reserved) <br />Use this section to provide any additional information requested by HUD. <br />10. Proiect-Based Voucher Program <br />a, ^ Yes ® No: Does the PHA plan to "project-base" any tenant-based Section 8 vouchers <br />in the coming year? Ifyes, answer the following questions, <br />b. ^ Yes ^ No: Are there circumstances indicating that the project basing of the units, <br />rather than tenant-basing of the same amount of assistance is an appropriate option? <br />If yes, check which circumstances apply: <br />^ Low utilization rate for vouchers due to lack of suitable rental units <br />^ Access to neighborhoods outside of high poverty azeas <br />^ Other (describe below:) <br />c. Indicate the number of units and general location of units (e.g. eligible census tracts or <br />smaller areas within eligible census tracts): <br />Page 30 of 38 form HUD-50075SF (04/30/2003) <br />