Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Orange County 5-Year Ptan (or Piscal Ycars: 2005 - 2010 Annual Ptan for FY 2005 <br />HA Code: NCI04 <br />PHAs are required to define and adopt their own standards of'substantial deviation from the 5-year Plan and <br />Significant Amendment to the Annual Plan. The definition oF'significant amendment is important because it <br />defines when the PHA will subject a change to the policies or activities described in the Annual Plan to full <br />public hearing and HUD review before implementation. <br />a. Substantial Deviation from the 5-Year Plan <br />Substantial deviation is defined as a charge in one of the, followings <br />1. CJ:ange in the PHA's Overall Mission; or <br />2, Change in the PHA's goals and objectives that affect services <br />provided to local residents, <br />Disclaimer: This does not include changes necessary as a result of changes in <br />HUD regzzlatory requirements, <br />b. Significant Amendment or Modification to the Annual Plan <br />Significant Amendment is defined as a change in one of the following: <br />1. Change in admission policies <br />2. Change in rent policies; or <br />3, Change in the organization of the waiting list, <br />Disclaimer; Tlris does not include changes necessary as a reszdt of changes irr <br />HUD regYZlatory requirements, <br />C. Other Information <br />[24 CFR Part 903.13, 903..15] <br />(1) Resident Advisory Board Recommendations <br />a. ^ Yes ^ No: Did the PHA receive any comments on the PHA Plan from the <br />Resident Advisory Boards? <br />If yes, provide the comments below: <br />b. In what mamrer did the PHA address those comments? (select all that apply) <br />^ Considered comments, but detennined that no changes to the PHA Plan were <br />necessary.. <br />^ The PHA changed portions of the PHA Plan in response to comments <br />List changes below: <br />^ Other: (list below) <br />Page 27 of 38 form HUD-50075•SF (04/30/2003) <br />