Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Omnge County 5-Year Plan (or Fiscal Ycars: 2005 - 2010 <br />HA Cadc: NC104 <br />a~ <br />Annual Plan t'or FY 2005 <br />Demolition/Dis osition Activi Descri tion <br />la. Development name: <br />lb. Develo ment ( roject) number: <br />2, Activity type: Demolition ^ <br />Dis osition ^ <br />3. Application status (select one) <br />Approved ^ <br />Submitted, pending approval ^ <br />Planned a lieation ^ <br />4. Date a lication a roved, submitted, or larmed for submission: (DD/MM/YY) <br />5. Number of units affected: <br />6. Coverage of action (select one) <br />^ Part of the development <br />^ Iotal develo ment <br />7 Timeline for activity: <br />a. Actual or projected start date of activity: <br />b. Pr'o ected end date of'activity: <br />7. Section 8 Tenant Based Assistance--Section 8(v) Homeownership Program <br />[24 CFR Pazt 903.12(b), 903.7(k)(1)(i)] <br />(1) ® Yes ^ No: Does the PHA plan to administer a Section 8 Homeownership program <br />pursuant to Section 8(y) of the U.S.H.A, of 1937, as implemented by 24 <br />CFR part 982 ? (If "No", skip to the next component; if "yes", complete <br />each program description below (copy and complete questions for each <br />program identified.) <br />(2) Program Description <br />A conanattnity based working group will be established to develop clear program <br />guidelines for the Section 8 Homeowaterslaip Program. It is eaavisioned that any program created <br />would blend with existing first-time bmebuyer programs. More specifically, participants in this <br />program will be strongly encouraged to participate in existing Homebuyer Education classes <br />and Homebuyer Clubs (support groups). <br />a. Size of Program <br />® Yes ^ No: Will the PHA limit the number of families participating in the Section 8 <br />homeownership option? <br />if the answer to the question above was yes, what is the maximum number <br />of participants this fiscal year? 0 <br />b. PHA-established eligibility criteria <br />Page 25 of 38 form HUD-50075-SF (04/30/20D3) <br />