Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Orange County 5-Year Plan for Fiscal Years: 2005 - 2010 Annual flan for FY 2005 [,J <br />HA Code: NC104 <br />B. HOPE VI and Public Housing Development and Replacement Activities <br />(Non-Capital Fund) <br />Applicability ofsub-component SB: All PHAs administering public housing. Identify any approved HOPE VI <br />and/or public housing development or replacement activities not described in the Capital Fund Program Annual <br />Statement. <br />(1) Hope VI Revitalization <br />a. ^ Yes ^ No: Has the PHA received a HOPE VI revitalization grant? (if no, skip to next <br />component; if yes, provide responses to questions on chart below for each <br />grant, copying and completing as many times as necessary) <br />b. Status of HOPE VI revitalization grant (complete one set of questions for <br />each grant) <br />Development name: <br />Development (project) number: <br />Status of grant: (select the statement that best describes the current status) <br />^ Revitalization Plan under development <br />^ Revitalization Plan submitted, pending approval <br />^ Revitalization Plan approved <br />^ Activities pursuant to an approved Revitalization Plan underway <br />c. ^ Yes ^ No: Does the PHA plan to apply for a HOPE VI Revitalization grant in the <br />Plan year? If yes, list development nanre/s below: <br />d. ^ Yes ^ No: Will the PHA be engaging in any mixed-finance development activities for <br />public housing in the Plan year? If yes, list developments or activities <br />below: <br />e. ^ Yes ^ No: Will the PHA be conducting any other public housing development or <br />replacement activities not discussed in the Capital Fund Program Annual <br />Statement? If yes, list developments or activities below: <br />6. Demolition and Disposition <br />[24 CFR Part 903 12(b), 903.7 (h)] <br />Applicability of component 6: Section 8 only PHAs are not required to complete this section. <br />a. ^ Yes ^ No: Does the PHA plan to conduct any demolition or disposition activities <br />(pursuant to section 18 or 24 (Hope VI)of the U.S. Housing Act of 19.37 <br />(42 U,S,C, 14.37p) or Section 202/Section 33 (Mandatory Conversion) in <br />the plan Fiscal Year? (If "No", skip to component 7; if "yes", complete <br />one activity description for each development on the following chart.) <br />Page 24 of 38 form HUD-50075-SF (04/30/2003) <br />