Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Orange County 5-Year Plan for Fiscal Ycars: 2005 - 2010 Annual Plan for FY 2005 <br />I1A Codc: NC104 <br />A. Public Housing <br />Exemptions: PHAs that do not administer public housing are not required to complete sub-component 4A. <br />(11 Income Based Rent Policies <br />Describe the PHA's income based rent setting policy/ies for public housing using, including discretionary (that is, <br />not required by statute or regulation) income disregards and exclusions, in the appropriate spaces below. <br />a. Use of discretionary policies: (select one of the following two) <br />^ The PHA will not employ any discretionary rent-setting policies for income-based rent in <br />public housing. Income-based rents are set at the higher of .30% of adjusted monthly <br />income, 10% of unadjusted monthly income, the welfare rent, or minimum rent (less <br />HUD mandatory deductions and exclusions). (If selected, skip to sub-component (2)) <br />^ The PHA employs discretionary policies for determining income-based rent (If selected, <br />continue to question b.) <br />b. Minimum Rent <br />1. What amount best reflects the PHA's minimum rent? (select one) <br />^ $0 <br />^ $1-$25 <br />^ $26-$50 <br />2.. ^ Yes ^ No: Has the PHA adopted any discretionary minimum rent hazdship exemption <br />policies? <br />3. If yes to question 2, list these policies below: <br />c. Rents set at less than .30% of adjusted income <br />L ^ Yes ^ No: Does the PHA plan to charge rents at a fixed amount or <br />percentage less than 30% of adjusted income? <br />If yes to above, list the amounts or percentages charged and the circumstances under which <br />these will be used below: <br />d. Which of the discretionary (optional) deductions and/or exclusions policies does the PHA <br />plan to etnploy (select all that apply) <br />^ For the earned income of a previously unemployed household member <br />^ For increases in earned income <br />^ Fixed amount (other than general rent-setting policy) <br />If yes, state amounts and circumstances below: <br />^ Fixed percentage (other than general rent-setting policy) <br />If yes, state percentage/s and circumstances below: <br />a~- <br />Page 20 of 38 form HUD-50075-SF (04/30/2003) <br />