Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Orange County 5-Year Plan for fiscal Years: 2005 - 2010 Annual Plan for FY 2005 ~, <br />FIA Codc: NCI04 <br />b. Preferences <br />1. ® Yes ^ No: <br />more than 75% of all new admissions to the section 8 program to families at <br />or below 30% of median area income? <br />Has the PHA established preferences for admission to section 8 tenant- <br />based assistance? (other than date and time of application) (if no, skip to <br />subcomponent (5) Special purpose section 8 assistance programs) <br />2. Which of the following admission preferences does the PHA plan to employ in the coming <br />year? (select all that apply from either former Federal preferences or other preferences) <br />Former Federal preferences <br />® Involuntary Displacement (Disaster, Goverrunent Action, Action of Housing Owner, <br />Inaccessibility, Property Disposition) <br />® Victims of domestic violence <br />® Substandard housing <br />® Homelessness <br />® High rent burden (rent is > 50 percent of income) <br />Other preferences (select all that apply) <br />^ Working families and those unable to work because of age or disability <br />® Veterans and veterans' families <br />® Residents who live and/or work in your jurisdiction <br />® Those enrolled currently in educational, training, or upward mobility programs <br />^ Households that contribute to meeting income goals (br'oad range of incomes) <br />^ Households that contribute to meeting income requirements (targeting) <br />^ Those previously enrolled in educational, training, or upward mobility programs <br />^ Victims of reprisals or' hate crimes <br />^ Other preference(s) (list below) <br />3. If the PHA will employ admissions preferences, please prioritize by placing a "1" in the space <br />that represents your frst priority, a" 2" in the box representing your second priority, and so on. <br />If you give equal weight to one or more of these choices (either through an absolute hierarchy or <br />tluough a point system), place the same number next to each. That means you can use "1"more <br />than once, " 2" more than once, etc. <br />1 ^ Date and Time <br />Former Federal preferences: <br />1 ^ Involuntary Displacement (Disaster, Government Action, Action of Housing Owner, <br />Inaccessibility, Property Disposition) <br />1^ Victims of domestic violence <br />1^ Substandard housing <br />1^ Homelessness <br />1 ^ High rent burden <br />Page 18 of 38 form Hl1D-50075-SF (04/30/2003) <br />