Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Orange County 5-Year Plan for Fiscal Ycars: 2005 - 2010 Annual Plan for FY 2005 <br />r1A Code: NCI04 <br />(3) Assienment <br />a. How many vacant unit choices are applicants ordinarily given before they fall to the bottom of <br />or are removed from the waiting list? (select one) <br />^ One <br />^ Two <br />^ Three or More <br />b. ^ Yes ^ No: Is this policy consistent across all waiting list types? <br />a If answer to b is no, list variations for any other than the primary public housing waiting lists <br />for the PHA: <br />(4) Admissions Preferences <br />a. Income tazgeting: <br />^ Yes ^ No: Does the PHA plan to exceed the federal targeting requirements by targeting <br />more than 40% of all new admissions to public housing to families at or <br />below 30% of median area income? <br />b. Transfer policies: <br />In what circumstances will transfers take precedence over new admissions? (list below) <br />^ Emergencies <br />^ Oven-housed <br />^ Under-housed <br />^ Medical justification <br />^ Administrative reasons determined by the PHA (e.g,, to permit modernization work) <br />^ Resident choice: (state circumstances below) <br />^ Other: (list below) <br />c. Preferences <br />1, ^ Yes ^ No: Has the PHA established preferences for admission to public housing <br />(other than date and time of application)? (If "no" is selected, skip to <br />subsection (5) Occupancy) <br />2. Which of the following admission preferences does the PHA plan to employ in the coming <br />year? (select all that apply from either former Federal preferences or other preferences) <br />Former Federal preferences: <br />^ Involuntary Displacement (Disaster, Govermnent Action, Action of Housing <br />Owner, Inaccessibility, Property Disposition) <br />^ Victims of domestic violence <br />^ Substandard housing <br />^ Homelessness <br />^ High rent burden (rent is > 50 percent of income) <br />~S <br />Page 14 of 38 form HUD-50075-SF (04!30!2003) <br />