2018-139 OPT - NCDOT 2018 grant contract
Board of County Commissioners
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General Contracts and Agreements
2018-139 OPT - NCDOT 2018 grant contract
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7/23/2019 4:36:12 PM
Creation date
8/3/2018 11:02:05 AM
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Agenda Item
10/18/16; 5-a
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R 2018-139 OPT - NCDOT 2018 grant contract
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financial assistance inen amount ofatleast thousand ($25'U0O)or <br />gneotnr,but|easthenfivehundreUtAouoanddoUare($500.0OO) vvithinitafisoa| <br />year. <br />* Level III —A recipient oroubracipientthat receives, hnNs, uses, or expends <br />State financial assistance in an amount equal to or greater than five hundred <br />thousand dollars /$G00.OUO\ within its fiscal year. <br />(2) Department-established reporting requirements for non-governmental Grantees shall <br />meet the following reporting standards onon annual basis: <br />1 All recipients nroubnanipientn ahn|| provide a certification that State financial <br />assistance received or held was used for the purposes for which it was awarded. <br />2 All recipients or subreoip|enta ohe|| provide an accounting of all State financial <br />assistance received, held, used, Vrexpended. <br />3 Level 11 and III recipients or subrecipients shall report on activities and <br />accomplishments undertaken by the recipient' including reporting on any <br />performance measures established in the contract. <br />4 Level ||| recipients oraubreoipiento shall have o single or program-specific audit <br />prepared and completed in accordance with Generally Accepted Government <br />Auditing Standards, also known ao the Yellow Book. <br />(3) All reports shall be filed with the disbursing agency in the format and method <br />specified by the Department no later than three months after the end of the Grantee's <br />fiscal year, unless the same information is already required through more frequent <br />reporting. Audits must be provided to the Department no later than nine months <br />after the end nf the recipient's fiscal year. <br />/4> The Grantee shall use the Office of State Budget and Management reporting forms <br />found under "NC Grants Annual Reporting Forms" on the Department's website: <br />(5) The Grantee agrees to make available and require its SubGronteestn make <br />available audit work papers in the possession of any auditor to the Department or <br />other federal or state agencies as requested. <br />(G) Department-established reporting requirements to meet the standards set forth in <br />Paragraph (1) of this Rule shall be specified in each Grantee's contract. <br />(7) Unless prohibited by |evv' the costs of audits made in accordance with the provisions of <br />this Rule shall be a||nvvab|e charges to State and Federal awards. The charges may be <br />considered a direct cost or an allocated indirect cost, as determined in accordance with <br />cost principles outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 2 C.F.R. Part 200. The cost <br />of any audit not conducted in accordance with this Subchapter shall not be charged to <br />State awards. <br />C. Record Retention. The Grantee and its third party Grantees shall retain all records pertaining to <br />this Project for a period of five (5) years from the date of final payment to the Grantee, or until all <br />audit exceptions have been resolved, whichever is longer, in accordance with "Records Retention <br />and Disposition Schedule — Public Transportation Syatmnoa and Authorities, April 1. 2006." at: <br />. <br />d. Access to Records of Grantee and SubGrantees. The Grantee shall permit and nhoU require its <br />third party contractors to permit the Department, the Comptroller General of the United Gtatea, and the <br />Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, or their authorized napnasenteUvos, to <br />inspect all work, materials, pnyro||s, and other data and records with regard to the Project, and to audit <br />the books, records, and accounts of the Grantee pertaining tn the Project. The Department shall reserve <br />the right to reject any and all materials and workmanship for defects and incompatibility with Project <br />Description or excessive coot. The Department shall notify the Grantee, in vvriting, if materials end/or <br />workmanship are found tobeunacceptable. The Grantee shall have ninety (9O) days from notification to <br />correct defects nrto provide acceptable materials and/or workmanship. Failure by the Grantee to provide <br />acceptable materials and/or vvorknnenohip, or to correct noted defects, aho|| constitute a breach of <br />contract. <br />05/27/2015 Page |l of 36 <br />
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