~PPLIC. i0~ FOR PRELII~XI~i aRY' PL.~.N , ?ROV_~I.
<br />0?~VGE COLitiTY 8
<br />C.aT~ ' M c
<br />,~~
<br />PL.E.aSE TYPE OR PR1NC (NK OM.`n
<br />,.,
<br />SL'EDNISION NAME: ~l~~i~t\~~~.._ Su~DI ~I.4j ~,~ .
<br />LOCATION: C~~~ ~~~~j~ l_r i3~1~-?nom ~..~raT~ , '/K , l`'\~~i F..._ l.~i-s-r,.. nF ~~,a~~.J?
<br />OWNER/DEVELOPER: _`~x~~ ~; _`~a~~,,,45 SR. ,~ ., ._._ ., ..~
<br />ADDRESS: a~~5 - !J, T~lti~?. TELEPHONE NO,:
<br />i~~~~s~._ Vic.
<br />A. s[1MM,4RY Ii~rFORMATION:
<br />Orange County Tax Map ~~ Block ~- Lot(s) of Township IL
<br />Zoning District(s): '~ -`~ _
<br />Total Number of Acres: ~. `o _ _ ~~~ ~ _ ~~~~ ~~ _ ~~"
<br />Total Number of Lots: ay Average Lot Size: 1 Ac. Minimum Lot Size: O,
<br />Number/Type of Structures: (existing)L~,,,a\.~~~ ,~ ,(proposed). a3 s..x~- ~a~.,,~~'~ ~,,, _ .r_g
<br />Linter Feet in Streets: ~~ _ Acres in Open Space:
<br />Water Supply: Public (specify) Community 1,.?P~,~. _ Individual
<br />Wastewater Disposal: Public (specify) Community ,~~~, Individual
<br />Schaal District: Fire District: of
<br />General Land Uses in Area:
<br />Critical Areas: streamJdrainageways flood prone areas
<br />_~ieGJC.. Pt~.l watershed (specify) historic sites
<br />other (explain)
<br />Is the property to be subdivided currently under "farm use value taxation"? Yes No V If "yes," please
<br />contact the Orange County Tax Office. Subdivision of the property tray require paymedt of deferred taxes under
<br />"farm lase Va1LLC taXatlOn."
<br />B. All plats must be submitted on sheet na s~rtaller than one inch equals two-hundred feet (1"=200') and no larger than
<br />one inch equals twenty. feet (1"a20') and must contain the following information:
<br />..:...-h...;.
<br /><> subdivision name _ <.,~~~n~..~..'~.< zoning of tract and~adjacent properties
<br />::
<br />~ °><i<:: name & address of owne s ~:,. .
<br />~~ ~ '~ rO _,[, ?'"~`~'''~ ~ building setback lines by notation
<br />~ ; a ;?~~~'><~ name & address of subdivider or typical let layout
<br />~~ (if other than oWaer) . , ~ ~~ ' location artd width of existing and
<br />.. rime of surveyor, engineer, landscape proposed easements (drainage, utilities,
<br />architect or architect, address, roads, etc.)
<br />registration # & seal _ ` `~ existing, proposed and adjoining ri,hts-
<br />~:;:
<br />"`' ` ' ` (title) preliminary Plan of-way including dimensions and street
<br />„,,;,~ scale, north arrow names and State Road numbers: Linear
<br />`~,-,_':: date of plan preparation and revisions feet of road centerlines and approximate
<br />~/ '~'~~~'`~`~~' township, tax map-block-lot references acreage of new street rights-of-way
<br />f `
<br />Parent Parcel Identification # ~/ ~`" ~~:v ~~'~
<br />~ :~`>ry:>>~~ _ ~ ~'~ existing an'd~proposed utilities, includin,
<br />z `~~~: deed book aad a e # of roe to be a sizes
<br />~[ p g . p p rry typ , ,hydrants, valves, manholes
<br />subdivided }~1P "`'``~'~:"
<br />'~~ y existing and proposed curbs, guRers and
<br /><~<,~;;<`~ boundary described with bearings and culverts, including sizes and grades
<br />distances ~ a location and width of alleys,, sidewalks,
<br />/ ,,~, total acreage of the tract and acreage of / bike lanes, transit systems, and bus stl~ps
<br />lots, including and excluding area within J :~Vi<'~`~''~ typical street cross-sections and
<br />rights-of--way intersection details including design a_~d
<br />'~~'?'~ - control corner width of travelway and shoulders
<br />