Orange County NC Website
Density - Neutral Development Design Objectives <br />• Preserve "primary conservation areas," <br />including: <br />- floodplains <br />- wetlands <br />- steep slopes. <br />• Preserve 50 % of the remaining <br />buildable land for open space. <br />• . Protect "secondary conservation areas," <br />including: <br />- lowland hardwood forests <br />- small tributaries <br />- unsuitable soils for septic systems <br />- historic areas <br />• Provide every household views of <br />natural open space. <br />• Provide social and /or recreational open <br />space within walking distance of each <br />household. <br />• . Provide vegetative buffers between <br />neighborhoods. <br />• Protect the character of the surrounding <br />area. <br />• Provide the same number of units on <br />the site as permitted under current <br />zoning regulations. ('This is where the <br />term "density - neutral" is derived.) <br />• Provide a range of housing types and <br />densities. <br />• Reduce engineering, construction, and <br />maintenance costs by implementing <br />environmental protection measures. <br />• Consider a combination of sewage <br />disposal and water supply alternatives <br />based on the unique features of each <br />neighborhood. <br />• Carefully consider site topography in <br />the siting of roads. <br />Stoney Creek Basin Area Plan, 21 <br />