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natural, cultural, and visual resources, and managed growth, while <br />maintaining flexibility for landowners. <br />Elements of the plan should address the following: <br />• Development of mechanisms which will encourage preservation of <br />rural landscapes including as much of forested and agricultural <br />land - and active farming - as economically feasible for the <br />landowner. <br />• Continued identification, evaluation and inventory of <br />significant cultural and historical features and the development <br />of criteria and incentives for encouraging their preservation. <br />• Continued identification, evaluation and inventory of natural <br />terrain features and sensitive ecological areas and the <br />development of criteria and incentives for assuring their <br />protection. <br />• Recognition of the generations of land stewardship by rural <br />landowners and the protection of their property rights and land <br />values by providing a variety of development options which will <br />allow for flexibility and creativity in design. <br />• Continued identification, evaluation and inventory of the area's <br />visual resources and the development of criteria and incentives <br />for assuring their protection. <br />• Protection of the character of existing neighborhoods from <br />incompatible land uses /densities and the direction of growth <br />that is not rural in character toward municipal /urban transition <br />areas where it can take advantage of existing infrastructure. <br />By recognizing and acknowledging that we have a responsibility to <br />balance all aspects of the character of this area (rural heritage, <br />rights of landowners, and likelihood of future change) , the Stoney <br />Creek Basin Land Use Plan should, therefore, seek to preserve as <br />many important elements of rural character and special natural <br />features as financially feasible, while still allowing for quality <br />expansion and growth of rural and country suburban neighborhoods <br />(including some very limited, internally oriented, commercial and <br />service locations that fit in with a preserved rural character) . <br />This must all be done without unfair or unreasonable financial <br />restrictions or burdens either for the landowners who may desire to <br />develop their property, or for the taxpaying citizens of the area <br />who may have to pay for any negative effects or excess costs for <br />public infrastructure of ill - planned development. <br />