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David Yelton asked about incentives for assisting farmers or encouraging farming. <br />He mentioned that one way to encourage farming would be to encourage small plot <br />farming and also to support local Farmer's Markets. <br />David Stancil referred to the "Encourage or Support List" which was distributed as <br />a part of the agenda packet, which lists recommendations for agricultural preservation. In <br />response to a question from Meg McKean he indicated that in preparing this alternative, all <br />undeveloped land was considered open space. They did not take into account existing <br />development proposals. In response to another question, he indicated that there is no way <br />to predict how development will actually happen in the fixture except that it will be within <br />the standards eventually approved by the Board of Commissioners. <br />Lee Rafalow asked if there was evidence that encouraging open space development <br />actually resulted in more of that type of development. Is there any evidence that a <br />particular "guiding mechanism" would make that vision happen? <br />Stancil referred to a note on page 18 of the packet that stated "it is likely that the <br />area will develop with a different "mix" of development options, which could substantially <br />alter the total number of lots and open space created." _The options indicate a willingness <br />to accept a certain amount of open space for a certain amount of density. That amount <br />could vary. <br />Clint Burklin stated that it is possible that one of the outcomes of this process would <br />be new zoning categories which could increase the number of options. Public Hearings <br />could be held, and if new categories were a suggested outcome, the Board of <br />Commissioners could implement them if they so chose. The community could use them to <br />further guide growth. Another, less flexible option, would involve incorporating new <br />guidelines in the Land Use Plan. The Board of Commissioners and the Planning Board <br />use the Land Use Plan when considering requests for new development and would be <br />strongly influenced by community standards. <br />Staff was asked to research whether or not the value of land is as great even without <br />density bonuses in open space development. <br />John Link asked if the group has discussed what Randall Arendt is currently doing <br />in our County as well as in Currituck and Craven Counties. He is developing a guidebook <br />which will be helpful in going through the development process. It will be realistic for any <br />developer, for a fee, to come into the Planning Department and using the GIS system and <br />