Meeting 051895
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Stoney Creek Work Group
Meeting 051895
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8/1/2018 5:01:58 PM
Creation date
8/1/2018 11:39:37 AM
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NOTES: <br />Mobile home park wraps around back and side of site. Some open <br />space in the MHP - coordinate with this. Across from commercial <br />uses on NC 86. Creek, with poor soils and slopes in middle, is <br />best place for open space. With moderate - density in area and <br />potential open space, 50% OSD may be feasible. <br />DEVELOPMENT /YIELD: 49 lots <br />At 50% OSD, protect stream and areas in middle of site, with <br />lots on either side. Using "five one -acre lots" provision, total <br />yield is 49 lots averaging 18,602 s.f., with 22.5 acres in open <br />space. <br />ALTERNATIVES: <br />Low- density probably not appropriate given location. Possibility <br />of a tighter OSD with 60 % OS exists. <br />SITE: <br />LOCATION: <br />West side of NC 86, boundary of basin - adjacent to <br />Hillsborough -scale developments. Adjacent on western boundary <br />to I -40 /Old 86 Economic Development District (EDD). <br />ACREAGE: <br />94 Acres <br />NOTES: <br />Northern-most developable land on NC 86, close to higher- density <br />areas due north in Hillsborough. Very little constraints and no <br />real open space of significance. Adjacent to higher density uses <br />and EDD - has a lot in common with Transition Areas to north. <br />DEVELOPMENT /YIELD: 75 lots <br />Since no open space of significance, choices are 1) 20% OSD <br />protecting little more than an entrance vista, or 2) conventional <br />development utilizing "five one -acre lots" and two -acre lots on <br />remainder. Yield would be: 20 % OSD - 75 lots averaging 43,676 <br />square feet with 18.8 acres of open space, or Conventional - 49 <br />lots averaging 83,500 square feet with no open space. <br />Go with 20% OSD to achieve density in this locale. Yield is 75 <br />lots averaging one -acre, with 18.8 acres of open space. <br />ALTERNATIVES: <br />Place in Transition area and do higher density? 50 % OSD gets <br />1.1 units /acre, but what to protect as open space? <br />There are several assumptions and special notes that are specific to the final five sites "A ", "H", "Q", "R ", "S ": <br />1. Sewer can be extended to projects that preserve open space. <br />2. Site yield for site "R" (Strayhorn farm) will be created via an actual site design. <br />3. Site "S" incorporates existing very-large lot development on Cedar Pass. <br />4. All of site "Q" and 40% of "R" lie in the Rural Buffer. <br />12 <br />
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