Orange County NC Website
DEVELOPMENT /YIELD: 8 lots Given isolated nature and distribution of constraints, pursue a <br />conventional two -acre lot option. Assuming use of five one -acre <br />lots provision, total lot yield is 8 lots averaging 1.4 acres. No <br />viable open space or sites to be preserved. <br />ALTERNATIVES: OSD may not be economically feasible. Conventional seems most <br />appropriate. May have some difficulty getting yield even with <br />"five one -acre lots per lot of record" because of soils. <br />SITE: <br />"I" <br />LOCATION: <br />"Bubble" site in between constraints, wrapping from University <br />Station to Rigsbee Road. Undeveloped portions of multiple lots. <br />ACREAGE: <br />18 Acres <br />NOTES: <br />Slopes and creek pose a constraint in middle of site. Access to <br />Rigsbee Road problematic. Should be able to cross a draw and <br />DEVELOPMENT /YIELD: 11 lots <br />use back portion for lots. Need to protect frontage on Riggsbee <br />with open space - creates nice entrance way with pasture and <br />creek at entrance. Do OSD and cluster next to slopes. <br />DEVELOPMENT /YIELD: 16 lots <br />Lends itself to OSD. Use 30% option with conservation <br />easements. 5.52 acres of open space, with 16 lots on 12.1 acres <br />(32,942 s.f. average lot). Protect frontage, creeks and slopes in <br />open space - makes nice entrance vista. <br />ALTERNATIVES: <br />Could pursue a tighter cluster with 50 % OS. Conventional <br />development at 2 -acre lots could work, but only 9 lots. <br />SITE: <br />"C" <br />LOCATION: <br />Across New Hope Church Road from University Station project, <br />bounded on west by Duke Forest. <br />ACREAGE: <br />36 Acres <br />NOTES: <br />Few constraints, lot of frontage and much open land. Creek runs <br />across front, but no soils problems. Adjacent to large -lot homes. <br />DEVELOPMENT /YIELD: 11 lots <br />Doing an OSD with so much open, developable land may not be <br />practical. In keeping with character of surroundings, do five -acre <br />lot incentive option (with five one -acre lot package). Total yield is <br />11 lots averaging 3.04 acres, with no dedicated open space (but <br />substantial private open space). Appears to be a market for five- <br />acre lots in this area. Shorter roads, amenity of being adjacent to <br />Duke Forest further makes case. <br />ALTERNATIVES: <br />Two -acre conventional a viable alternative, close second. Open - <br />space developments could be done, but houses would lie in open <br />field. <br />10 <br />