Orange County NC Website
Table 1: Fact Sheet - Proposed Development Scenarios <br />2 Available acres, conventional development, equals total undeveloped acreage less 33 acres of <br />an existing commercial area and 50 acres for a planned community park <br />3 Available acres, density - neutral development, equals total undeveloped acreage less 42 acres <br />for a planned community park <br />4 Available acres, Neo - traditional development, equals total undeveloped acreage <br />5 Neo - traditional development reserves more land for infrastructure because of the dense nature <br />of the design, urbanized land requires a higher percentage of land be given over to infrastructure <br />6 Household size, in people per household, represents a high -end estimate based on current <br />household size. <br />7 Based on .43 children per household. <br />Stoney Creek Basin Area Plan, page A - 2 <br />Conventional <br />Density - Neutral <br />Neo- Traditional <br />Scenario I <br />Scenario II <br />Available Acres <br />11916 2 <br />17957 3 <br />119994 <br />Infrastructure <br />15% <br />15% <br />25%5 <br />Dwelling Units du <br />11629 <br />879 <br />899 <br />37307 <br />Average Density <br />ldu /acre <br />1 du /1.85 <br />acre <br />1 du/1.85 acre <br />1 du /.28 acre <br />Household Size <br />2.4 <br />2.4 <br />2.4 <br />Population <br />3,910 <br />2,110 <br />27158 <br />7,937 <br />Children' <br />700 <br />378 <br />387 <br />1, 422 <br />Land Use: <br />XX <br />Residential <br />all single family <br />all single family <br />mix of single family <br />and multi-family <br />Commercial <br />none <br />none <br />350,000 sq ft office <br />650,000 sq ft retail <br />29 acres civic <br />Open Space <br />limited preservation <br />extensive <br />reservation <br />some preservation <br />2 Available acres, conventional development, equals total undeveloped acreage less 33 acres of <br />an existing commercial area and 50 acres for a planned community park <br />3 Available acres, density - neutral development, equals total undeveloped acreage less 42 acres <br />for a planned community park <br />4 Available acres, Neo - traditional development, equals total undeveloped acreage <br />5 Neo - traditional development reserves more land for infrastructure because of the dense nature <br />of the design, urbanized land requires a higher percentage of land be given over to infrastructure <br />6 Household size, in people per household, represents a high -end estimate based on current <br />household size. <br />7 Based on .43 children per household. <br />Stoney Creek Basin Area Plan, page A - 2 <br />