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discussion about fair value to landowners; clearly a concern to <br />people. He suggested we. ought to get this on table and look at it. <br />Bob Strayhorn expanded on that by giving an example of how a park <br />may be desirable, but how is the landowner going to get value out <br />of his land. Are we going to down zone it? Once again it is a <br />question about value. <br />Lee Rafalow added that Bob Strayhorn had raised an additional <br />point, the flexibility issue; not just fair value, but the right of <br />the property owner to determine what he or she wanted to do with <br />their property. <br />David Yelton said the group could still have a vision of the plan <br />or combination of plans that most attracted them with positive <br />elements, but whatever was chosen there would be negative's to be <br />addressed too. <br />Verla Insko said the group was dealing with two questions now. <br />First was the whole range of negatives for all of the plans and <br />second, the specific question of when the group dealt with value to <br />the landowner. <br />Meg Mckean said she didn't think the question of fair value to the <br />landowner ever went away. Any set of rules will have some <br />implications to the landowner and it was very important for the <br />group to tease out what that set of rules would do to different <br />kinds of landowners, i.e., little ones and big ones. She said the <br />group couldn't run away from that question. <br />Lee Rafalow said he wanted the group to be careful about they heard <br />what he was to say. He said if the group were forced to choose <br />from the plans they'd seen and if a majority rule decision - making <br />process was used, he thought the density - neutral approach would <br />come the closest to what most people in this room thought was the <br />right thing to do. He said he wasn't trying to declare this as a <br />consensus of to get people to argue with him about it. He thought <br />it was fairly close to the sort of thing the group could agree on <br />as the model on which to build. He said he was satisfied with <br />putting that issue aside and focusing a little while on the issue - -- <br />which he believed was getting in the way of good communication. He <br />said he didn't think the group was doing as good a job as it could <br />in terms of communication because there was one important issue <br />kind of watching the whole process and just waiting to find <br />something to jump on; and he felt that they needed to get it out. <br />Verla Insko asked if Rafalow was suggesting that the group jump <br />ahead and deal with it. <br />Michael Warner observed fair value to landowners had been on the <br />agenda at one meeting, but had never been talked about. He asked <br />if it should be added to the agenda for a future meeting rather <br />than being a by product of other discussions. <br />Ou7 <br />