Orange County NC Website
r. <br />A RESOLUTION BY THE SCHOOLS AND LAND USE COUNCILS ~ <br />(SLUG) TO RECONIIl~iEND AND TRANSMIT THE SCHOOLS <br />ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE (SCHOOLS APFO) <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND ORDINANCE <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners and municipal governing boards <br />make land use, zoning, and development decisions that can increase the numbers of <br />school children; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Schools Board of Education and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />Schools Board of Education are responsible for school policy and school buildings; and <br />'~, <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners with approval of the other jurisdictions has <br />established Schools and Land Use Councils (one for each school district) to advise on <br />issues concerning growth and land use issues relating to schools; and <br />WHEREAS, the Schools and Land Use Councils are charged with developing a coordinated <br />plan for approving developments, accounting for the impact of the developments on <br />school capacity, siting schools, and-building schools to meet demonstrated need in a <br />timely manner; and <br />WHEREAS, the Schools and Land Use Councils (SLUG) are composed of elected <br />representatives from the Orange County Commissioners, Canrboro Board of Aldermen, <br />Chapel Hill Town Council, Hillsborough Town Board of Commissioners, Chapel Hill- <br />. Carrboro City Schools Board of Education, and Orange County Schools Board of <br />Education; and <br />WHEREAS, the SLUG has met on primarily a monthly basis to develop and review a Schools <br />APFO since April of 1999; and <br />WHEREAS, the SLUG referred the development of legal and technical matters and parameters <br />for policy decisions to a ~vorkgroup of attorneys and planning director and school <br />representatives from all member agencies and a draft was submitted to the SLUG; and <br />WHEREAS, the various aspects of a Schools APFO was explained to each of the elected bodies <br />in the latter part of 1999 early 2000 by the Orange County Planning Department where <br />questions and answers were explored; and <br />WHEREAS, On March 27 and 30, 2000 joint meetings with school districts and Assembly of <br />Governments were held to further elaborate on the implications of a Schools APFO and <br />receive direction to pursue finalization of the Memorandum of Understanding and <br />ordinance from the SLUG; and <br />WHEREAS, the SLUG finds the Memorandum of Understanding and ordinance to be <br />supportive of the goals and responsibilities of the councils and strongly believes the <br />ordinance to be in the best interests of the community; <br />