Orange County NC Website
18 <br />Attachment 3 <br />Revised following 8/17/00 task force meeting and includes Superintendents' comments <br />Revised <br />- 9/07/00 <br />anticipated to carry out the planned project. In turn, each district expended their <br />monies upfront for planning, design, architect, constructian, furniture and <br />equipment. In return, the County reimbursed each District with all of the project- <br />related expenditures up to the total project budget. <br />With the changes implemented by the County Commissioners in June 1899, this <br />process has changed. It is note that unless a. County approved <br />capital project ordinance is in place (i.e. adopted by the County <br />Commissioners), that the County is not legally or otherwise obligated to <br />reimburse the school system for their expenditures. 1f the Board of County <br />Commissioners approve the project concept and capital project ordinance as <br />outlined in Item 5 above, the following steps occur: <br />• Following Board of Commissioner approval of final plans for the project, the <br />school system advertises for construction bids; <br />• Once the system receives the bids, the School Superintendent notifies the <br />County Manager, in writing, of the result of all bids received. <br />7. Submission Timelines <br /> <br />While the Board of Education may receive the bids, it should not execute any <br />contract until the Board of County Commissioners receives bid information and <br />approves a capital project ordinance for the construction phase of the project; <br /> <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />Unlirv nn Planning anll lann(~111fi .~'C~'If1L1~ (";8D1t31 Pr018CtS <br />