Orange County NC Website
State of North Carolina Agreement for <br />w The County of Orange Recycling Services <br />AGREEMENT <br />between <br />Triangle J Council of Governments <br />and <br />The County of Qrange <br />for <br />I3ousehold Hazardous Waste Support Services <br />This AGREEMENT is entered into this the 17th day of October 2000, by and between The <br />County of Orange, North Carolina on behalf of its Solid Waste Department (hereinafter <br />"County") and Triangle J Council of Governments (hereinafter "Contractor") for provision of <br />support and corollary services for the Household Hazazdous Waste program. <br />SECTION 1 <br />Term of A reement <br />The term of this AGREEMENT shall be for one (1) year; from July 1, 2000 through June 30, <br />2001. Terms contained herein that have no consequence on the overall outcome or cost of the <br />contract maybe amended through negotiation between the Contractor and County. If substantive <br />changes to terms are desired, an amendment to this AGREEMENT maybe executed or a new <br />contract maybe signed. This contract may also be expanded at the option of County and with the <br />agreement of Contractor to include additional services <br />SECTION 2 <br />Scope of Services <br />Contractor shall provide support and corollary services to County's Household Hazazdous Waste <br />Program as follows: <br />1. Contractor will work cooperatively with County and other participating local governments to <br />place a minimum of $1,745 of punt advertisements for the household hazardous waste <br />program in newspapers and periodicals which aze distributed in Orange County. <br />2. Contractor will work cooperatively with County and other participating local governments to <br />place a minimum of $7,800 of broadcast media advertisements (radio and television) for the <br />household hazardous waste program that will be distributed to / have a target audience which <br />includes the residents of Orange County. <br />3. Contractor will, either itself or through the use of subcontractors, provide County with <br />$1,000 worth of print brochures and other printed material to be used by County to promote, <br />educate, and or otherwise inform the citizens about the household hazazdous waste program. <br />4. Contractor will, either itself or through the use of subcontractors, provide County with $500 <br />of professional design and layout services to County for production of educational and <br />promotional materials for the household hazardous waste program. <br />S. Contractor will maintain the regional household hazardous waste telephone line which can be <br />accessed by Orange County and other Triangle residents. This telephone line shall provide at <br />