Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: C4A8ABA9- 961E- 4297- 82F0- 5B1739260CFF <br />• Orange County Health Department (OCHD) <br />OCHD distributes our products to pregnant and postpartum woman and <br />infants participating in the PCM, PPNB, BF Support, WIC, and HBI programs. <br />Since introducing diapers, they have seen a 78% increase in home visits and <br />client interaction. <br />• Orange County DSS (OCDSS) <br />Diapers are distributed through their Community Response Program, CPS, <br />and Adolescent Parenting Program. They have reported increased <br />participation in their prevention parenting classes. CPS has shared that <br />before, when entering a home, they were seen as a threat but now that they <br />come with a tangible, basic need, they are seen as helpers and it increased <br />trust with the families and case workers <br />• El Centro Hispano Carrboro — Chapel Hill (El Centro) <br />Poverty among Hispanic Families in Carrboro - Chapel Hill is 49 %, El Centro <br />has reported an increased participation in their Circle of Friends Parenting <br />classes and increased outreach to Hispanic Families as well as families from <br />Burma. <br />Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) <br />Please provide the following information about the proposed program: <br />d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a <br />Town /County priority /goal? <br />Diaper Bank of North Carolina is committed to not only providing diapers to families in <br />need, but also to producing broader outcomes for families and children. Within Orange <br />County, Town of Carrboro, and Town of Chapel Hill, Diaper Bank of North Carolina <br />partners with organizations that offer services focused on children health and wellbeing. <br />Through these organizations, diapers are provided directly to families and also serve as a <br />gateway to other services such as home visits, health screenings, and job training. <br />We aim to distribute 85,000 diapers over the course of 1 year, serving roughly 1,500 --- <br />1,700 children in Orange County, Town of Carrboro, and Town of Chapel Hill. We will be <br />developing specific outcomes with each community partner agency but our overarching <br />goal is to help agencies improve their connection to families with young children. For <br />example, an outcome of our work may be helping a partner agency to experience a 25% <br />increase in program retention or completion rates, or a 25% decrease in missed <br />appointments. While our focus will be outcome -based programs, we will also continue our <br />already established output programs which are vital for families who are not enrolled with <br />one of our partner agencies. <br />e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 2/12/2018 7:53:03 PM P a g e 1 6 o f 2 8 <br />