Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: C4A8ABA9 -961E- 4297- 82F0- 5131739260CFF <br />2. AGENCY INFORMATION Be Very Brief and Concise <br />Please provide the following Information about your agency (2 pages OR LESS): <br />a) Years in Operation, Date of Incorporation (MonthJYear): 01113 <br />Diaper Bank of North Carolina was incorporated January loth , 2013 and has been in <br />operation 5 years. <br />b) Agency's Purpose /Mission (no more than a few sentences): The mission of Diaper <br />Bank of North Carolina is to promote and protect the dignity of each resident by <br />improving access to personal hygiene products and other basic necessities, thereby <br />removing barriers to education, employment, and personal fulfillment. Our <br />cornerstone purpose is to ensure that families living with poverty have an adequate <br />supply of diapers, and we have expanded to include feminine hygiene and adult <br />incontinence products. We distribute these basic needs through community partners <br />in order to encourage access to their services and programs, which empower people <br />to become self - sustaining and develop their full potential. <br />c) Types of Services the Agency Provides (bullet format): <br />• Diapers and related sup 1p ies: Diaper Bank of North Carolina (DBNC) provides <br />diapers and diapering supplies to families living with poverty. Public safety -net <br />programs such as The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, <br />Infants, and Children (WIC) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program <br />(SNAP) do not cover the purchase of diapers, often leaving families with a <br />difficult decision between buying diapers and other necessities with their <br />limited funds. A study in the journal Pediatrics by Smith, Kruse, Weir and <br />Goldblum (2013) examined how diaper need contributes to parental stress, <br />which is an important factor in a child's health and development. <br />• Feminine hygiene roducts: The same barriers to accessing diapers exist for <br />feminine hygiene products (FHP). With this realization, we launched the <br />Helping Moms Helps Babies campaign in Summer 2015 to distribute FHP to <br />women through our community partner organizations. This campaign has <br />since grown to include Can the Spot, an initiative with Durham Public middle <br />and high schools to minimize girls missing school because they lack FHP. <br />• Adult incontinence supplies: According to the Center for Disease Control, <br />over half of adults over 65 have experienced incontinence. By providing <br />seniors living in poverty with incontinence supplies, DBNC helps older adults <br />maintain dignity and the ability to remain engaged in daily activities. <br />d) Agency's History with Providing These Services: <br />DBNC has been distributing products through partner agencies since 2013, working <br />to fill a gap that has long been ignored: providing diapers for children living in <br />poverty. Statewide, we distribute 280,000 diapers each month. Our real work, <br />however, involves leveraging diapers as a gateway to other services. Our Branches <br />use an outcome -based model, showing that diapers help to engage families with <br />partner agencies. Partners report that families seeking diapers are able to be <br />connected to other support services such as assistance with food and utilities, job <br />training, and case management. We have a growing number of partners who use <br />Agency Information 211212018 7 :53 :03 PM i F 11 of 28 <br />