Orange County NC Website
State of North Carolina Agreement for 3 <br />The County of Orange Waste Disposal Services <br />AMENDMENT TO <br />HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION <br />AGREEMENT <br />THIS AMENDMENT to the Agreement, originally effective October 5~', 1994 and <br />Amended October 5`h 1997, by and between The County of Orange, on behalf of its Solid Waste <br />Department, which is sovereign governmental entity located in the State of North Cazolina <br />(hereinafter referred to as a "Sponsor") and Safety-Kleen (TS), Inc., a Delawaze corporation, <br />(formerly Laidlaw Environmental Services (TS), Inc., hereinafter "Contractor's is entered into <br />on this the day of October 2000. <br />In consideration of the mutual promises and conditions set forth herein, the Sponsor and <br />Contractor agree to amend the Agreement as follows: <br />1. Change of Parties: The parties to this Agreement shall be only the County of Orange and <br />Safety Kleen (TS), Inc. The Department of Solid Waste Management who manages this <br />Agreement for the County of Orange has been transferred from the Town of Chapel Hill to <br />the County of Orange. Laidlaw Environmental Services (TS), Inc. has begun doing business <br />under the name Safety-Kleen (TS), Inc. <br />2. Term: This Agreement, unless amended as provided herein, shall be in effect from October <br />5, 2000 through June 30, 2001. <br />3. surance: The insurance clause, pazagraph 9, shall be modified as follows to replace the <br />first pazagraph with the following pazagraph: <br />Contractor shall procure and maintain, at its expense during the term of this Agreement, <br />at least the following insurance covering the services to be performed under this Agreement: <br />(a) Worker's Compensation - $1,000,000 or statutory; (b) Employer's Liability - $1,000,000 <br />per occurrence; (c) General Liability (bodily injury and property damage) - $2,000,000 per <br />occurrence, $10,000,000 annual aggregate combined single limit; (d) Automobile Liability - <br />