Orange County NC Website
county to use the hazardous waste collection at any of the four counties. Additionally, each of <br />the four counties have individual agreements with Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG) <br />which allow the counties to work cooperatively to produce advertisements, printed brochures <br />and other educational materials, and to work together for corollary services such as research an <br />technological improvements, alternatives to hazardous waste disposal, and other cost saving <br />procedures. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The approved 2000-01 Solid WastelLandfill Operations enterprise fund <br />budget includes adequate funding of approximately $93,000 far HHW collection services <br />through June 2001. The projected cost of services to be performed under the extended <br />contract is approximately $62,000. By contracting directly with the service provider, Orange <br />County will save about $2,000 that will not have to be paid far TJCOG to manage the HHW <br />contract. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the Amendment <br />to the contract with Safety-Kleen (TS), Inc. and authorize the Chair to sign it, subject to final <br />review by staff and the County Attorney.. <br />