2018-284 CJRD - UNC School of Medicine services agreement
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2018-284 CJRD - UNC School of Medicine services agreement
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8/1/2018 5:23:19 PM
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7/20/2018 9:53:47 AM
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R 2018-284 CJRD - UNC School of Medicine services agreement
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Orange County Detention Center Contract <br />Psychiatry <br />Appendix 1 to Services Agreement between Orange County and UNC- Chapel Hill <br />Department of Psychiatry <br />DESCRIPTION OF FUNDING AND SERVICE <br />Beginning in September of 2016, the UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health under the UNC Chapel Hill <br />Department of Psychiatry, began providing psychiatry services at the Orange County Detention Center, which were <br />reimbursed by funding provided to Orange County by Cardinal Innovations. Under the arrangement, UNC psychiatrist <br />Dr. Carol Vanderzwaag ( "Dr. V. ") is available to assist in assessing and treating individuals with acute psychiatric needs at <br />the Detention Center. Maintenance of Effort ( "MOE ") funds up to $15,000 were authorized by Orange County for fiscal <br />year 2017/2018 and have already been paid. Dr. V works directly with Dr. Deron Coy, the Detention Center psychologist, <br />and Allison Zirkel, LCSW, from the Orange County Criminal Justice Resource Department ( "CJRD "). Dr. V's hours <br />expected under the original effort projection on which the $15,000 was based were limited to approximately five hours <br />per month. With Orange County's request and acceptance of the services, UNC and Dr. V provided additional hours of <br />service beyond this limit in FY 2017/2018 and submitted an invoice for an additional $5,000 for consideration. Deputy <br />County Manager Travis Myren authorized the additional payment in fiscal year 2017/2018 with MOE refund funds that <br />are encumbered in the CJRD Contract Services account. In addition, moving into FY 2018/2019, funding for the contract <br />psychiatry services has been increased for up to $25,000 annually and will be paid through a County services contract <br />with the UNC Department of Psychiatry. (Please note that Dr. V will be leaving her position 6/30/18, but the service <br />and contract will continue with a psychiatrist to be hired by UNC) <br />RFFFRRAI <br />All referrals for contract psychiatry services under the Services Agreement will be routed through Dr. Deron Coy. <br />Allison Zirkel will complete a clinical assessment on each inmate approved for psychiatric services prior to the initial <br />meeting with the UNC psychiatrist and will provide this information to the UNC psychiatrist. <br />Referrals may come from the following: Orange County Sheriff's Office and Jail Administration (e.g. Sheriff Blackwood, <br />Chief Deputy Sykes, Captain Hawkins, Lieutenant Thompson, or Major Caldwell), Orange County Jail Medical Staff <br />(Medical Doctor, Head Nurse, nurse on duty, Psychologists — e.g. Deron Coy, or Donna May), or the Criminal Justice <br />Resource Department (e.g. Pretrial Coordinator Ted Dorsi, CJRD Director Caitlin Fenhagen, or Criminal Case Assessment <br />Specialist Allison Zirkel). <br />Referrals must be made to either: Dr. Deron Coy, 919 - 280 -7381, deron. coy@ correctionalbehavioralhealth .com <br />Allison Zirkel, 919 - 245 -2304, azirkel <br />A referral does not guarantee that the inmate will be seen by the psychiatrist. The inmate will be screened by the <br />Detention Center Psychologist (currently Dr. Coy) and the CJRD LCSW (currently Allison Zirkel) and then referred to the <br />psychiatrist if appropriate. <br />Pc%vrHIATRV <br />Upon acceptance of a referral, the psychiatrist will meet with the inmate for further assessment, including to determine <br />whether pharmacological intervention is appropriate. The routine visits will occur on Tuesdays at 3pm. If clinically <br />indicated, the psychiatrist will provide the prescription to the Orange County nurse on duty who will call in the <br />prescription to Southern Health Partners. The prescription, along with any related notes or medical records, shall go in <br />the inmate's chart (located in the jail medical office) so that Detention Center medical staff will have access to this <br />information. The Detention Center will retain these records for at least 6 years from the last date of service and provide <br />UNC with copies of such records upon request, including as may be needed for UNC to respond to potential claims <br />affecting professional liability for the contract psychiatry services provided. The psychiatrist will let the Orange County <br />{00108261.DOCX} <br />
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