Orange County NC Website
• G321 - Cellular Phone Service costs increased from $420 per year to $577. The cost for office <br />phone service remained the same at $420. The total line item therefore changes from $840 to <br />$997. <br />Choose Your Change E -gift card funding reapportionment <br />• G371 - Removed $250 for e -gift cards now that then are unapproved, the role of these e -gift <br />cards in the Choose Your Change campaign will be replaced by branded promotional items. <br />Hillsborough- Orange County Chamber of Commerce Lunch - and -Learn Clarification: <br />• G371 - The remaining $500 covers the cost for a training hosted by the Hillsborough- Orange <br />County Chamber of Commerce for its member companies. This is a flat rate for the training, paid <br />to the Chamber of Commerce and not to a food - provider. The only training package the Chamber <br />offers which enables direct communication to a group of Chamber members is their "Lunch -and- <br />Learn" series. This is a flat rate paid to the Chamber regardless of the number of registered <br />participants, or whether the Chamber has found another sponsor to cover their costs for <br />purchasing lunch. To futher clarify the matter we have generalized the wording of our budget <br />request to "Hillsborough - Orange County Chamber of Commerce Training ". <br />Additional Line Item Changes: <br />• G341 Reduced from $700 to account for part of $865 in increased fringe benefit costs. $100 <br />should still allow for commuter information kiosk maintainance. <br />• G372 Reduced from $600 to account for part of $865 in increased fringe benefit costs. 335 <br />should still allow for purchase of basic choose your change promotional items. <br />Triangle J <br />Council of Governments <br />16 <br />