Orange County NC Website
FY19 PROPOSAL NARRATIVE <br />Please format your application following the outline below. The elements listed under <br />each item are REQUIRED. <br />OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM <br />Background: Include a brief description below of the organization and program. <br />Starting in November of 2017, The Orange County Commuter Options (OCCO) Program was launched as <br />the point of contact for county staff and local businesses who want to use alternative commuting <br />methods. The OCCO Program connects Hillsborough commuters and Orange County staff to resources <br />and best practices from across the Triangle to make sure that each person has the most convenient and <br />well- informed options possible. This includes providing information on transit routes, and new routes to <br />come from Orange County Public Transportation (OCPT) and GoTriangle. The OCCO Program also <br />promotes STRNC to help establish vanpools and carpools, and works with the Human Resources <br />department to offer flex or compressed schedules to those employers who qualify. OCCO will continue to <br />promote the Telework program and provide training for approved applicants. As a final example, the <br />OCCO Program works with the local Bicycle Safety Task Force to develop and promote biking and <br />walking options. <br />Orange County's support for TDM programming precedes the creation of the OCCO program and has <br />enabled the new program to come up to speed quickly. With the adoption of the "Environmental <br />Responsibility Goal" in 2005 committed the County in part to "Implement programs that monitor and <br />improve local and regional air quality by promoting public transportation options and incentives within the <br />County that increase connectivity and decrease dependence on personal vehicles." Additionally, the <br />County created a complete Telework program (a package of administrative rules, forms, and trainings) in <br />the Fall of 2016. This alternative commute service for County employees was created and implemented <br />through collaboration between Human Resources and the County Sustainability Program. <br />Staff Members: Provide the staff members working on the project and an estimate of the percentage of <br />each staff member's time that will be spent on each major task. <br />The OCCO Program is headed by the Orange County Transportation Demand Management (TDM) <br />Coordinator, Allyson Coltrane with shared oversight by the Orange County Sustainability Coordinator, <br />Brennan Bouma, and Orange County Public Transportation's Transit Director, Theo Letman. <br />Identify Geographic Region /Hotspot(s): <br />As illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, Orange County is one of a few large employers with multiple worksites, <br />many of which are concentrated within Hillsborough (Hotspot 11, in Figure 2) though others fall within or <br />near other commuter hotspots in Orange County. The OCCO program works with all employers in <br />Hotspot 11 and with all Orange County staff throughout the County. <br />Figure 1: Principal Employers in Town of <br />Hillsborough <br />Employer <br />Town Population <br />Orange County Schools * <br />20.14% <br />Orange County Government * <br />14.81% <br />Sports Endeavors, Inc. <br />6.84% <br />PH E <br />5.46% <br />Triangle J <br />Council of Governments <br />