Orange County NC Website
The Recipient understands and agrees that the State Government retains a State interest in any real <br />property, equipment, and supplies financed with State assistance (Project property) until, and to <br />the extent, that the State Government relinquishes its State interest in that Project property. With <br />respect to any Project property financed with State assistance under this Agreement, the Recipient <br />agrees to comply with the following provisions of this Agreement: <br />a. Use of Project Property. The Recipient agrees to use Project property for appropriate <br />Project purposes (which may include joint development purposes that generate program <br />income, both during and after the award period and used to support public transportation <br />activities) for the duration of the useful life of that property, as required by TJCOG. Should <br />the Recipient unreasonably delay or fail to use Project property during the useful life of that <br />property, the Recipient agrees that it may be required to return the entire amount of the <br />State assistance expended on that property. The Recipient further agrees to notify TJCOG <br />immediately when any Project property is withdrawn from Project use or when any Project <br />property is used in a manner substantially different from the representations the Recipient <br />has made in its Application or in the Project Description for this Agreement for the Project. <br />b. General. The Recipient agrees to comply with the property management standards of 49 <br />C.F.R. §§ 18.31 through 18.33, including any amendments thereto, and with other applicable <br />Federal and State regulations and directives. Any exception to the requirements of 49 C.F.R. <br />§§ 18.31 through 18.33 requires the express approval of TJCOG in writing. <br />c. Records. The Recipient agrees to keep satisfactory records pertaining to the use of Project <br />property, and submit to TJCOG upon request such information as may be required to assure <br />compliance with this Section 14 of this Agreement. <br />d. Encumbrance of Project Property. The Recipient agrees to maintain satisfactory continuing <br />control of Project property as follows: (1) Written Transactions. The Recipient agrees that it <br />will not execute any transfer of title, lease, lien, pledge, mortgage, encumbrance, third party <br />contract, subagreement, grant anticipation note, alienation, innovative finance arrangement <br />(such as a cross border lease, leveraged lease, or otherwise), or any other obligation <br />pertaining to Project property, that in any way would affect the continuing State interest in <br />that Project property. (2) Oral Transactions. The Recipient agrees that it will not obligate <br />itself in any manner to any third party with respect to Project property. (3) Other Actions. <br />The Recipient agrees that it will not take any action adversely affecting the State interest in <br />or impair the Recipient's continuing control of the use of Project property. <br />e. Insurance Proceeds. If the Recipient receives insurance proceeds as a result of damage or <br />destruction to the Project property, the Recipient agrees to: (1) Apply those insurance <br />proceeds to the cost of replacing the damaged or destroyed Project property taken out of <br />service, or (2) Return to TJCOG an amount equal to the remaining interest in the damaged <br />or destroyed Project property. <br />f. Misused or Damaged Project Property. If any damage to Project property results from abuse <br />or misuse occurring with the Recipient's knowledge and consent, the Recipient agrees to <br />restore the Project property to its original condition or refund the value of the State interest <br />in that property, as TJCOG may require. <br />g. Responsibilities after Project Closeout. The Recipient agrees that Project closeout by TJCOG <br />will not change the Recipient's Project property management responsibilities as stated in <br />Section 14 of this Agreement, and as may be set forth in subsequent Federal and State laws, <br />regulations, and directives. <br />Section 1S. Insurance. <br />The Recipient shall be responsible for protecting the State financial interests in all items purchased <br />under this Agreement throughout the useful life of the Project property. <br />Page 13 of 18 <br />