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DocuSign Envelope ID: 23D00540- 4B67- 4A91- B622- 510CAEF24EEE <br />OF 08AN08 COUMT7 <br />011 pute Settlement Center, Inc, <br />Conflict of lntetest Pollcy <br />-A, agency offters, directors,- employees, and agents are vb €ig d 0 ahvays act in the Best interest of <br />to organisation. This obligation requires .that any ?facer, ,director, empivyee, or agent, in the <br />performance of Agencyr duties, seek only the furtherance oft�e Agency nii$sion. <br />3. The officers, directors, employees, c�r agents of the Agency shoWd neither svlic-it nor accept <br />gratuitles, favors, or anything of monemry value from- corrziractorsjvendars_ This is not intended to <br />preclude bona -fide Agency fund - raising activcties. - <br />C, No officer, director, employee Dr- agent of the Agency shall participate In the seiectjon, award, or <br />adminknatiori of a purchase or + o rtract with vendor- where, to his knowledge; any of the following <br />has a financial Interest in that purchase or contract. <br />1. the off ter, director, employee, ar agent; <br />2_ any member of their immediate family; <br />3. their partner, <br />4. are organization in which any of the above is an officer, Jimctor, or employee; <br />S. a person or organization velth whom an y of the above Inch duals is negotiating 6r has <br />eny"arrerrgement concerting pro sp I;tive employment. <br />b. Disd=ure —Any possible conflfrt of interest snail be disclosed by the person or ,persons concerned. <br />E. 'Board Ammon — Wheri a conflict of httere5t: is relevant to a matter requiring action by the Board, the <br />interested persons) shall call it to the atterrtion'af the Board ar d said parson(s) shall not -vote can Vie <br />matter. In addition, the persoh(s) shall not part €cipefe in the final delibdration•or decision regarding the <br />matter tinder consideration and shall leave the room dLirir the vote ofthe Board. When there is doubt. <br />as-to whether a conflict exists, the marte'r rhait be resolved by vote of the Board, excludingthe person(s) <br />concerning whose situation the doubt has arlsen_ <br />F. Record of Conflict — The offlcial minutes of the Board shall reflect that the conflict-of- interest Was <br />disclosed and the interested pe'rson(sl was (were) present duringthe final discu-ssigP or vote and did not <br />vote on the rnatrer. <br />Adopted by the Displlte Settlement Center, Inc. Board of Directors; 10/27104 <br />(Mart Epstein) Sworn to and subscribed ha =oremeor the day -vfthe date- ofsald certification. <br />(Frances Henderson) Sworn to and subscrlbed .before ,me an the day of the date of said <br />certrflcat�on., ti +` "x�� „gee��rur;�•ar, <br />q{ti 1 <br />Ft <br />392 We t Weaves S reet, C,,,bvro,'N -C- 27510 s (9.19) 929 -8800U w &�-- (919) 542 -6431 w —Aisput --Tff t utg <br />