2018-290-E Planning - Hazen & Sawyer Lake Orange dam
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2018-290-E Planning - Hazen & Sawyer Lake Orange dam
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Last modified
8/1/2018 5:25:40 PM
Creation date
7/16/2018 10:23:29 AM
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2018-738-E Planning - Hazen and Sawyer Lake Orange Dam Inspection contract amendment
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R 2018-290 Planning - Hazen & Sawyer Lake Orange dam
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 80EOOD3A- B06E -49BE- 9975- 1947B52242CA <br />Hazen <br />Christopher J. Sandt, P.E. <br />June 28, 2018 <br />Although we expect that the majority of these deficiencies will be readily detectible in the field, we <br />recommend that Orange County personnel flag any known deficiencies and/or that Orange County <br />personnel attend the inspection. <br />The inspection documentation will be provided as part of the Task 3 services. Any issues requiring <br />immediate attention will be discussed with County personnel directly after the inspection. <br />Task 2 — Intake Structure Inspection (Request for Estimate Item 3) <br />Orange County has requested a scope of services and fees associated with a detailed below -water and <br />interior inspection of the existing intake structure and pipe. This scope of work is beyond the traditional <br />routine visual inspection and will require the services of a subconsultant specializing in underwater <br />inspection services and the support of a standby rescue team during the underwater inspection and <br />confined space entry within the structure. We anticipate coordinating both of these services to take place <br />simultaneously in order to reduce costs and that the local fire service staff can act as the standby rescue <br />team. <br />Hazen will coordinate the underwater intake structure and outlet pipe inspections with a subconsultant to <br />ensure a comprehensive inspection. The below water inspection of the intake structure will include a <br />visual and/or tactile inspection of all exposed and accessible external surfaces of the structure to <br />document observed material conditions, defects, and potentially hidden signs of distress, degradation, or <br />erosion. The inspection of the outlet pipe will be conducted using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). <br />Upon completion of these services, the subconsultant will provide a detailed video and photographic <br />record along with report documentation. <br />Hazen structural staff will conduct the interior inspection of the intake structure. The inspection of the <br />interior of the intake structure will include a visual inspection of all exposed and accessible internal <br />surfaces to document observed material conditions, defects, and potentially hidden signs of distress, <br />degradation, or erosion. The interior inspection will be conducted using confined space procedures and <br />will require the support of a standby rescue team. <br />The inspection documentation will be provided as part of the Task 3 services. Any issues requiring <br />immediate attention will be discussed with County personnel directly following the inspection. <br />Task 3 — Report of Findings and Recommendations (Request for Estimate Items 5, 6, & 7) <br />Upon completion of Tasks 1 & 2, Hazen will provide a detailed Report of Findings that will include the <br />inspection observations and photographic documentation from both the Task 1 & 2 inspections. This <br />information will establish a photographic record for comparison and review during future inspections. <br />Photographs taken during previous inspections will also be provided as part of the historic documentation. <br />The Report of Findings will include Hazen's recommendations for additional monitoring, facility <br />maintenance, and/or remedial repair related to Task 1 & 2. A prioritized list of repairs along with scaled <br />exhibits and estimated budget costs will be included. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />
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