Orange County NC Website
<br />e. Property Tax Release of Deferred Taxes (Best vs. Orange County) <br />The Board will consider adoption of a resolution to release property values related to one (1) request for <br />property tax release on deferred taxes in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 105-381. <br />f. Bid Alward: C"ontract Award - Piggy-back of Bid fora 44 Cubic Yard, Front Loader Refuse Truck <br />The Board «Till consider awarding a contract for the purchase of a 40 Cubic Yard High Compaction Body <br />Front Loader Refuse Ti-~ick from Heil Environmental Industries of Chattanooga Temiessee at a cost of <br />$1b4,726 and authorize the Purchasing Director to execute the necessary papei-~~~ork. <br />g. Update to Planning Board Rules of Procedure <br />The Board ti~~ill consider rej=isions to the Planning Board Rules of Procedure to: 1) clarify the agenda setting <br />process, 2) clarify when a member is officially separated from the Planning Board, 3) clarify Planning Board <br />voting procedures; and other "cleanup". <br />h. Southern Human Services Center -Duke Power Right-of-~Vay <br />The Board will consider approving right-of--way requested by Duke Power for new pole locations on the <br />Southern Human Services Center property; and contingent upon staff and Attorney review, authorize the <br />Chair to sign. <br />b. Resolutions or Proclamations (8:20-8:40) <br />a. Resolution of Recognition and Congratulations to the UNC""Tar Heels on ~'Vinning the 2005 NCAA <br />A~Ien's Basketball Championship <br />The Board will consider a resolution to recognize and congratulate the University of North Carolina Tar <br />Heels on twinning the 2005 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Men's Basketball <br />Championship and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />b. Resolution of Appreciation for Volunteers Serving on Cowity Advisory Boards and Commissions <br />The Board will consider a resolution of appreciation for the volunteers who ser~~e on County advisory boards <br />and commissions and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />c. Asian Pacific American History Month <br />The Board will consider proclaiming the month of Iv1ay 2005 as Asian Pacific _~rrierican History IVlonth and <br />authorize the Chair to sign. <br />7. Special Presentations (8:40-9:00) <br />a. Presentation: Cable Regulatory Update <br />The Board will receive a presentation from Bob Sepe, Action Audits, LLC, consultant to the Triangle J <br />Council of Governments (COG) Cable Consortium and provide any direction or feedback as desired. <br />8. Public Hearings (9:00-9:15) <br />a. <br />The Board will conduct a public hearing and approve submission of the Five-Year Public Housing Agency <br />(PHA) Plan for the Orange County Housing Authority and authorize the Chair to sign the Certifications of <br />Compliance/Board Resolution following completion by staff. <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Contract }with Robert S. Segal, CPA for SchoollCounty Efficiency Enhancements (9:15-9:30) <br />b. Resolution on Participation in the Proposed Regional Transportation Development Plan (RTDP) <br />(9:30-9:45) <br />