Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 37E05944- 6119 - 4717- A9E3- 4C519DD0322C <br />4. Payment for Services: The County agrees to pay at the rates specified for Services satisfactorily <br />performed in accord with this Agreement. <br />a. Compensation. Compensation for Services shall include all compensation due the Provider from <br />the County for all Basic Services provided under this Agreement as specified below. <br />i) Basic Services. The amount to be paid by the County shall not exceed Fifteen Thousand <br />Dollars ($15,000), to be paid at a rate of $40 /hour for Interpretation Services. Payment shall be <br />made within thirty (30) days of an invoice properly submitted to County. Should Provider fail <br />to perform its duties under the terms of this Agreement, County may, without fault or penalty, <br />withhold any payment associated with the work to be performed until such time as said work is <br />completed. <br />ii) The Provider shall complete and submit the County Invoice for Payment of Interpretation <br />Services form to County staff at the time the service is rendered. County staff will verify the <br />information, sign and forward the form for payment of services. Any additional charges not <br />specified herein, must be mutually agreed to in advance by County and Provider and <br />documented in writing with a letter signed by authorized representatives for County and <br />Provider and subject to budgeted funds. <br />b. For interpretation services: <br />i) The Provider will record the start and finish time worked to the minutc. After the first hour of <br />service, payment will be calculated and paid per minute. <br />ii) The Provider shall submit one invoice per client, unless there is a block of appointments <br />without interruption. Without interruption means that there were no cancelled appointments <br />and no lunch hour included. This is appropriate for a group of clients who are served for the <br />same type of appointment, at the same location. For question, contact the departmental <br />contact. <br />iii) In the event of a cancelled appointment, the Provider is required to stay until relieved of duty <br />by the individual in charge. County staff may require other interpreter - related services in place <br />of the scheduled appointment. As stated above, the Provider may submit an invoice in the <br />event of a broken appointment (with Iess than 24 hour notice). <br />iv) if the Provider is assisting County staff with a large volurne of phone calls outside of a <br />scheduled appointment time, the Provider should complete a Call Log to submit along with an <br />invoice describing tle services performed. This type of service is paid by the minute, without a <br />one hour minute requirement for payment. <br />v) In the case of an unexpected closing or delayed opening (e.g., inclement weather) of the <br />County Offices when providing interpretation services, the Provider shall not be paid for <br />missed appointments. When in doubt, the Provider can call 732 -8181 to see if county offices <br />are open or are on a delayed schedule. When possible, the Provider is also asked to help call <br />his/her scheduled clients to inform them of the delay or closing. <br />S. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. <br />G. Errors and Omissions. Provider represents and agrees that Provider is qualified to perform and fully <br />capable of performing and providing the services required or necessary under this Agreement in a <br />fully competent, professional and timely manner to the satisfaction of the County. Provider shall be <br />responsible for all errors or omissions, in the performance of the Agreement. Provider shall correct <br />Revised 06118 <br />