2018-270-E Human Rights Relations - Lissette Saca - Spanish translation services
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2018-270-E Human Rights Relations - Lissette Saca - Spanish translation services
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R 2018-270 Human Rights Relations - Lissette Saca translation services
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DocuSign Envelope ID: OE2F9DBB- D657- 45AD- B508- 556F4AE3530B <br />iii. The provider when providing translation services will translate the information as clearly <br />as possible without changing the meaning and the intent of the document. <br />iv. Tile Provider will interpret and translate the information to the best of his/her ability. <br />c. Client Confidentiality. <br />i. The Provider acknowledges that she /he may have access to information that is confidential <br />and provided by state and federal laws and agrees to comply with all privacy policies, <br />regulations, and laws as well as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act <br />(HIPAA) of 1996 (P.L.104 -191). <br />ii. The Provider agrees to protect confidential information (e.g., client name, appointment <br />type, telephone number, health information) that he /she may receive in doing business <br />with County. The Provider should ensure proper, safe storage and protection of client <br />information during use, and shredding/deletion of such information when it is tto longer <br />necessary for business purposes. <br />iii. Breaches of client confidentiality will result in automatic termination of this Agreement. <br />d. Scope of Set-vices. <br />i. Procedures and Guidelines Upon Acceptance of an Interpretation Assignment: <br />1. The Provider agrees to give at least 24 hour notice if he /she is unable to participate <br />in a scheduled client contact. <br />2. The Provider will be expected to make confirmation phone calls to clients in <br />advance of an assigned appointment, when feasible, and when the Provider is <br />provided the information by County staff. The Provider should notify County staff <br />as soon as possible if the client has told the Provider that he /she will not be able to <br />make the appointment and/or if he /she needs to reschedule. These confirmation <br />calls will not be paid for separately, but are considered part of the set-vice when the <br />Provider accepts an assigmnent for an appointment. <br />The Provider shall not have contact with County clients without County staff being <br />present, unless specifically asked by staff to call clients to confirm or schedule <br />appointments. It is not acceptable for the Provider to give out his/her home <br />telephone number or cell phone number for later contact between the family and <br />Provider. <br />ii. Procedures and Guidelines when the Provider Accepts a Translation Assignment: <br />1. When asked to translate from English into the second language, the Provider will <br />review the original English version and request any clarification from County staff <br />prior to translation. <br />2. As needed, the Provider will discuss with County staff recommendations to improve <br />the utility and cultural appropriateness of material for the target audience prior to <br />translation. Upon consultation with Provider, County staff may choose to modify <br />the English version before resubmitting for a direct translation. Document <br />Revised 06118 2 <br />
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