Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 88A54057 -CC31- 4328 - 9012- 2B021842D3E4 <br />8. Material Treatment — This section must include a complete description of the treatment process of <br />each material collected at the two collection locations. (e.g. recycled locally, reused locally, prepared <br />for recycling, prepared for energy use, or prepared for disposal). The treatments should refer to the <br />following materials: <br />• Compressed gases <br />• Flammable solids <br />• Oxidizing material <br />• Poisonous material <br />• Radioactive material <br />• Corrosive material <br />• Freon Cylinders <br />• Hg and Hg Debris <br />• PCB Ballasts <br />• Latex Paint <br />9. Storage, Disposal, and Recycling Facilities — In this section Proposer must provide names, <br />locations, and pertinent State and Federal license /permit information for the Proposer, hauler, storage <br />facility, and disposal facilities that might handle waste collected from County. 'Please include relevant <br />safety records and listings of all warning notifications, violations, and /or citations, with details explaining <br />each received from pertinent f=ederal and/or State agencies for the past two years, as well as any past <br />or pending litigation. <br />10. Pricing — This section should contain two subsections, as follows: <br />HHW Pricing Proposal - Proposer should submit their Pricing Proposal using enclosed HHW Pricing <br />Proposal sheet. The County prefers the cost to be a flat per pound fee regardless of the type of <br />material, although the County will entertain other pricing structures in addition to the fiat cost per <br />pound method. Proposer may attach explanations and/or elaborate on submitted prices as Proposer <br />deems necessary by attaching additional pages to provided form. The County also understands that <br />Freon cylinders may be difficult to include in the fiat, per pound cost, therefore Freon cylinders may <br />be a separate cost as outlined in the table below. The County usually only receives 5 Freon cylinders <br />per year on average. <br />11. Financial Capability and Insurance — This section must include an indication of financial capability for <br />handling services to be delivered, including Insurance Coverage. <br />H. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE <br />The County may eliminate from consideration any proposal that is missing a substantial amount of <br />information or which deviates from the required format. <br />I. SELECTION PROCESS <br />A selection committee shall be established by the County to review responses. The committee shall <br />screen the proposals based on the following criteria (order of list does not imply rank of importance of <br />criteria): <br />1. Understanding of and familiarity with services sought by County <br />2. Project personnel, personnel experience, and use -of subcontractors <br />3, Proposer's experience and operation record, including and past experience with providing similar <br />services to other jurisdictions <br />4. Proposer's technical expertise, knowledge, and understanding of applicable laws, rules, and <br />regulations. <br />5. Proposer's project approach, including approach to the expansion of service at Walnut Grove SWCC <br />and the provision of CESQG services at the Eubanks Roads collection center. <br />B. HHW material treatment and management <br />7. Facilities to be used to process 1 manage collected waste materials <br />Page 14 <br />HHW RFP # 5183 <br />