2018-263-E Emergency Svc - Federal Engineering
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2018-263-E Emergency Svc - Federal Engineering
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Last modified
3/7/2019 3:43:28 PM
Creation date
7/6/2018 9:45:59 AM
Contract Starting Date
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Contract Amendment
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2016-722-E Emergency Svc - Federal Engineering consulting
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2016
2017-569-E ES - Federal Engineering to amend radio project including VIPER analysis
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2017
2017-729-E EMS - Federal Engineering ORNC amendment April 2017
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2017
2017-730-E EMS - Federal Engineering ORNC amendment June 2017
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2017
R 2018-263 Emergency Svc - Federal Engineering consulting
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 2E2609DA- 01E2- 479B- 9C15- 90AAE85E5878 <br />Following the County's review of this Report and subsequent discussion, FE is requested to <br />collect additional data for the potential expansion of the VIPER system, expanding the VHF <br />radio system conceptual design, and development of a detailed comparison of estimated <br />capital, operating, and 10 -year total cost of ownership costs between the VIPER expansion and <br />shared radio system alternatives. <br />2. TASKS TO BE PERFORMED <br />In completing the County's request, FE will perform the following tasks. <br />2.1 Task 1 — Identify and Collect Additional VIPER Capacity Data <br />To estimate the number of radio channels needed in the VIPER expansion system while <br />meeting public safety grade -of- service, FE will need to collect additional data to refine the <br />existing capacity analysis. FE will work with VIPER system administrators via email to obtain the <br />capacity data. If necessary, we will coordinate a teleconference with them to review and clarify <br />the data. <br />2.2 Task 2 — Perform VIPER Expansion Capacity Analysis <br />FE will perform a VIPER expansion capacity analysis to estimate the minimum number of <br />simulcast radio channels needed to support current and future traffic. <br />Additionally, FE will coordinate with the County to identify and collect information pertaining to <br />other agencies that may migrate to the VIPER expansion system. Information FE expects to <br />collect includes subscriber or user equipment inventories and other agency- specific usage data <br />to include in the revised capacity analysis. <br />Resulting from this analysis will be an estimated number of radio channels for each simulcast <br />site, reuse between sites, and the requirement for additional channels, if necessary. <br />2.3 Task 3 — Develop Equipment List for 700/800 MHz VIPER Expansion <br />FE will use the previously developed shared - system alternative (i.e., system sharing with <br />Durham County) site equipment quantities and locations as a starting point for the VIPER <br />expansion analysis. This will enable the County to compare the equipment necessary to provide <br />the predicted radio coverage for the VIPER expansion and shared system alternatives. <br />Based on the previous shared - system alternative analysis and through additional discussions <br />with VIPER administrators and the VIPER system vendor, Motorola Solutions, Inc., FE will <br />revise the estimated equipment list for the VIPER expansion system. <br />Accompanying the equipment list, FE will identify the services likely required to implement the <br />system, including civil engineering, site acquisition, and regulatory compliance. <br />2.4 Task 4 — Develop Equipment List for VHF System <br />FE will use the previous 10 -site VHF conceptual system design to develop an estimated <br />equipment list for an 8- channel simulcast VHF system to accompany the 700/800 MHz VIPER <br />expansion simulcast system. <br />Page 2of7 <br />
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