Orange County NC Website
<br />Proposed Recommendations to the Board of Commissioners <br />Regarding the County's Twin Creeks Park <br />1. Instruct Rich Shaw and other staff to develop a conservation easement or <br />easements for all azeas of the Park which are not planned to be developed, <br />especially the rhyolite site, streams and stream buffers, slopes, the pond <br />and meadow, and forested areas shown as undeveloped on the current plan. <br />2. Allow Mary Ayers and Rich Shaw to continue to identify trees on the <br />Park site which are less than 18 inches in circumference but which are of <br />special or native species, place them on a survey and use this survey to <br />protect said trees from development. <br />3. Develop a plan to use boardwalks, which aze used far example at Lake <br />Crabtree Park or at the Johnson Mill Nature Preserve on Turkey Farm Road <br />in (}range County, for walking trails along the two streams on the site, and <br />solicit local Boy Scout Troops to help build them and the trails, <br />4. Instead of curb and gutter and pavement for roads and the parking areas, <br />use gravel, swales and other methods associated with Low Impact <br />Development (I,ID) practises. <br />S. Allow the Planning Board to have its Chair and Vice-Chair, or proxy, <br />have notice of, attend and participate in all negotiations with the Town of <br />Carrboro regarding the development of the Park Site. <br />6. Allow the Planning Board to review all constnzction drawings for the <br />Park before submittal to and review by the Board of Commissioners. <br />7. Create opportunities, including separate work forces, for members of <br />the local birding communities and gardening communities to make <br />recommendations for the creation of bird habitats on the site, including the <br />meadow, for the creation of gardening, bird and other habit growth on the <br />power line easement rnnning through the property, and for the creation of <br />stonnwater wetlands for any stormwater retention ponds in a manner <br />similar to what has been done at the Ellerbe Creek on the Hallandale Golf <br />Course in Durham. (see www.ellerbecreek.ora and stormwater wetlands). <br />8. Examine carefully the justification for the number of parking spaces <br />shown on the current plan. <br />