Orange County NC Website
5 <br />3. Considering the matter of the location of Elementary School (ES) #10, the Work <br />Group found that its current location adjacent to the proposed future middle <br />school was preferable to the possible location in the southeastern corner of the <br />site. In general, the Work Group feels that the benefits of co-locating the two <br />schools together, which cazl only occur on the educational campus in the northern <br />portion of the site, outweigh the benefits of possible increased wallcability for ES <br />#10 in a southeastem location. 1Ceepirrg the elementary school and middle school <br />together offers synergies for shared supervision, food services, media centers, and <br />other possible advantages. <br />4. Minor modifications to the Master Plan as a result of the Work Group <br />deliberations include: <br />a. A footprint of a possible Action Sports (BMX bike course) in the <br />Piedmont EMC easement, which would need to be explored further with <br />PEMC and the Board of Commissioners, if desired. <br />While not related to the Work Group charge, the Work Group also noted the <br />benefits of rearranging and co-locating the temris courts. Staff concurs and would <br />bring this back as a minor "tweak" to the Master Plan for subsequent Board <br />consideration. <br />We hope these recormnendations will be of use to the Board as it considers adoption of a <br />Master Plan for the site, and we all look forward the end product of a co-located County <br />district park and educational campus that will meet the needs of our citizens. We will be <br />glad to respond further to additional questions, as desired. <br />Twin Creelrs Work Group <br />Moses Carey, County Conurzissioner Chair <br />Alice Gordon, County Conunissiorrer <br />NickDidow, CHCCSBoard of Education <br />Pam Henuninger; CHCCSBoard of Education <br />Johnny Randall, Connnissiar_forche Environment /NC Botanical Garden <br />Patrick Sullivan, Recreation & Parlrs Advisory Council /Orange County Soccer Alliance <br />