April 11
<br /> Manager's Preliminary Recommended Option 1 County Capital Priorities and Pay-As-You-Go Capital Projects(7j /�I IQG�1+112t 1 f
<br /> Fiscal Years 2005-06 Through 2014-15
<br /> Funtling/Pmlect Description Priority 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 1 2008,09 2009-10 1 2010-11 1 201t-02 2012-13 2013-04 ZOt4-05 Total
<br /> 1 Total County Projects Pay-As-You-Go Revenue 4,849,912 5.002,654 5,078,295 5,237,905 5,723,277 6,186.729 6,319,165 6,847,807 7,361,613 7,503,930 60,111,280
<br /> z
<br /> 3 County Projects
<br /> 4 Recanting County Capital
<br /> Replacement of current equipment and vehicles;pnonly would be
<br /> glyen,each year,to public safety related vehicles,public works
<br /> S Equipment
<br /> and Vehicle and Sandeflon vehicles and alternative fuel vehicles.For the most 1 1.200,000 1,400.000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 1,050MG 1,200,000 1,500.000 1,500,000 13,250,000
<br /> Replacements
<br /> part,later years of the plan allow tar increased equipment needs
<br /> related to the opening of new 2ske
<br /> Replacement of floor coverings in County realities;specific
<br /> projects would be determined each year based on available
<br /> funding;higher priorities include Animal Contra]building,Court
<br /> 6 Flooring Street Annex.Government Services Annex,Shenlrs Department: 1 341,000 225.000 250,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 200.000 200,000 200.000 2,016,a00
<br /> to the extent possible and necessary,fearing replacements for
<br /> each facility would be done in conjunction with other facility
<br /> improvements such as claiming.
<br /> Includes funding to repairlrepiace HVAC units in County facilities:
<br /> specific facilities would be d eamemed each year based on
<br /> 7 HVAC RepareVReplacemenls available funding;funding in fiscal year 2005-06 would allow for 1 258,000 300.000 250,000 400,000 300.000 200,000 200,000 300.000 350,000 300.000 2,858,000
<br /> HVAC system improvements at the Court Street Annex and duct
<br /> work cleaning at the Jail;projects in future years would be
<br /> delemmmed each year based on available funding.
<br /> Priority initiatives include more reliable electronic services for
<br /> citizens with reduced wait limes,mmrporale additional e-
<br /> Govemmenl services for users,protect client health information,
<br /> and improve services that are available to those citizens who visit
<br /> county of0cos to access services. Pm-active replacement of aging
<br /> servers and network connections would put the County in a better
<br /> position to avoid potential outages-For example,a major
<br /> catastrophic server failure could result in 10 days for one or more
<br /> a Information Technology deparments being unable to offer services to the public while we 1 600,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 400.000 400000 400,000 400,000 500,000 400,000 5,500.000
<br /> awed delivery,configuration and reslorai of a new server.
<br /> Examples of items recommended for funding include office and in-
<br /> (laid computers and electronic devices,printers,servers,high
<br /> speed connectivity to the SHSC and Public Works campuses and
<br /> improved internal conneclivily,for public access for county
<br /> mformaoon,including Register of Deeds.Land Records,and
<br /> Sheri. gasoline funding would not allow for sufficient funding to
<br /> address all of the enemies.
<br /> Painting,floonng,waterproofing.HVAC,rooting would be
<br /> addressed through funding el those individual projects;funding in
<br /> fis ch year 2005-06 would construct a restmom for female jailers(a
<br /> 9 Jaii high priority of the Sheriff)and funding in fiscal year 2006-07 1 25,000 69.500 50,000 50,000 50XID 71.000 50.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 515,"1
<br /> would allow for replacement of Jaii appliances(washer,dryer,
<br /> slave.dishwasher and cooler):additional funding in future years
<br /> would provide for minor repairs and improvements related to Jail
<br /> compliance with Stale and Federal requirements and mandates.
<br /> Page 6 of 26 options for apnl 14 worksessionxlsoplion 1
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