Orange County NC Website
Apn114,2005 Manager's Preliminary Recommended Baseline County Capital Priorities and Pay-As-You-Go Capital Projects lit AA+Qw-,c-i) ✓i+ IA <br /> Fiscal Years 2005-06 Through 2014-15 <br /> FundingfProlect Description Priority 200546 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014.15 Tolal <br /> 1 Total County Protects Pay-As-You-Go Revenue 3,684,345 3,724,507 3,238,933 3,561,117 4,008,928 4,692,132 4,961,056 5,724,893 5,221,956 5,230,205 44,048,072 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 County Projects <br /> 4 Retuning County Capital <br /> Replacement of current equipment and vehicles;priority would be <br /> Equipment and Vehide given,each year,to public safety related vehicles,public works <br /> 5 Replacements and Sanitation vehicles and alternative fuel vehicles.For the most 1 1 100,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 1.200,000 1,300.000 1,450,000 1.500,000 1.625,000 1,750.000 1,800.000 13,825,000 <br /> part,later years of the plan allow for increased equipment needs <br /> related to the ciflegram of new corks <br /> Replacement of floor coverings in County facilities;specific <br /> projects would be determined each year based on available <br /> funding;higher priorities include Ammal Control building,Court <br /> 6 Flooring Street Annex,Government Semces Annex,Sheriffs Department; 1 141,000 225.000 i50p00 100.000 200,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 275,000 2,191,000 <br /> to the extent passible and necessary,flooring replacements for <br /> each facility would be done in conjunction with other facility <br /> improvements such as vaunfinit <br /> Includes funding to repair/replace HVAC units in County facilities; <br /> specific facilities would be determined each year based on <br /> 7 HVAC RiifarmrReplacemzma available funding;funding in fiscal year 2005-05 would allow for 1 108,000 300,000 300.000 300,000 300,000 350.000 450,000 450,000 450.000 450,000 3,458,000 <br /> HVAC system improvements at the Court Street Annex and duct <br /> work cleaning at the Jail;projects in future veam would be <br /> determined each year based on available funding. <br /> Priority initiatives include more reliable electronic services for <br /> citizens with reduced wait times,mcotparate addilional e- <br /> Government services for users,protect client health information, <br /> and improve services that are available to those dlizens who visit <br /> county offices to access services. Pm-active replacement at aging <br /> servers and network connections would put the County in a better <br /> position to avoid potential outages.For example,a major <br /> calastrophic server failure could result in 10 days for one or more <br /> 6 Information Technology deparments being unable to offer services to the public while we 1 400.000 500,000 500,000 700.000 700.000 700,000 600.000 800.000 800,000 800p00 6,700,000 <br /> await delivery,configuration and restoral of a new server. <br /> Examples of items recommended for funding include office and in. <br /> field computers and electronic devices,printers,servers,high <br /> speed connectivity to the SHSC and Public Works campuses and <br /> improved internal connectivity for public access tar county <br /> information,including Register of Deeds,land Records.and <br /> Sheriff. Baseline funding would not allow for sufficient funding to <br /> address all of the priorities. <br /> Painting,flooring,waterproofing,HVAC,roofing would be <br /> addressed through funding in those individual protects;funding in <br /> fiscal year 2005-06 would conslmd a restroom for female jailers(a <br /> 9 Ja4 high priority of the Shentq and funding in fiscal year 2006-07 1 25,000 69,500 50.000 50,000 50,000 50.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 494,500 <br /> would allow 10,replacement of Jail appliances(washer,dryer, <br /> stove.dishwasher and cooler);additional funding in future years <br /> would provide for minor repairs and improvements related to Jail <br /> compliance with State and Federal requirements and mandates. <br /> Page i of 26 options for pout 14 worksession.xisbaseline as <br />