Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE3745D -23C6- 4352- A3D7- 9903DCB5D084 <br />"Attachment A" <br />Description of Services <br />Post Offer Testing to Include: <br />Medical History — The job candidate is asked to complete a comprehensive medical history administered <br />by an occupational healthcare professional that has been trained and certified in the WorkSTEPS Program. <br />This history includes information gathering on previous injuries and/or surgeries, previous physical <br />therapy /chiropractor visits, etc. The employee also signs a statement that falsification of the information <br />he /she has provided could result in the withdrawal of the conditional job offer. <br />Musculoskeletal Examination — A WorkSTEPS certified clinician completes this portion of the exam. <br />The exam looks at all major joints and muscle groups. Thirty (30) baseline measurements are documented. <br />The muscle groups are checked for strength as well as any atrophy. The shoulders, elbows, wrists, back, <br />ankles, knees and hips are checked for signs of crepitus as well as ligament stability. In addition, the <br />lumbar and the cervical spine is also checked. Flexion, extension, side bending and twisting are all <br />measured. Visual inspection of the spine for signs of surgery is performed. Deep tendon reflexes of the <br />biceps, triceps, patellar tendon and Achilles tendon are performed to further check for spinal cord <br />proMenis. Shoulder range of .motion is checked and measured as well for movement in the internal and <br />external national planes. The rotator cuff is also thoroughly checked. <br />Static Grip - This portion of the tests measures grip strength and gathers baseline strength readings on the <br />employee. <br />Dynamic Lifting - This portion of the test gathers baseline, full motion, and strength readings. The <br />employee is asked to lift a NIOSH box from 4 different positions. These 4 positions are lifting the box <br />from floor to knuckle height, 12 inches off the floor to knuckle height, knuckle height to shoulder and <br />shoulder to overhead. With each of these lifts, the employee is asked to lift the box. After the lift, they are <br />asked if they can safely handle more weight. The employee is asked at the beginning to try and lift their <br />maximum safe lift. The employee is shown and instructed on the proper lifting techniques for each of these <br />Iifting positions. <br />.lob Specific Tasks - This portion tests assesses the job candidate's ability to perform the essential <br />functions of the job he /she is applying for. The essential functions for a job description are created through <br />job analysis that is performed by a qualified vendor of the employer's choosing (this can be the <br />WorkSTFPS Provider who will be providing testing service but is not required). The employer is obligated <br />to participate in the job analysis process by approving and verifying that the essential functions have been <br />properly identified and are accurate. <br />Fit For Duty Testing As Part Of A Return To Work { IRTW') Program To Include: <br />WorkSTI t'S will be conducting Fit- for -Duty (Post -Injury RTW) Tests on existing employees to include the <br />following: <br />• Any reported injury, illness, or condition that gives the employer reasonable belief that the <br />employee's ability to perform essential jab functions will be impaired or create a direct threat to <br />health and safety. <br />• This category may also include testing at the request of the employer because, although there has <br />been no formal injury or medical condition reported, the employer has observed current <br />performance problems or has received reliable reports of performance problems indicating that the <br />employee may not be able to perform essential job functions, or may pose a direct threat to the <br />health and safety of the employee or others. <br />